Exploration Autonome et Cartographie Topologique en Environnement Inconnu Référencées Vision Omnidirectionnelle

Exploration Autonome et Cartographie Topologique en Environnement Inconnu Référencées Vision Omnidirectionnelle

Romain Marie Ouiddad Labbani-Igbida  El Mustapha Mouaddib 

Laboratoire Modélisation, Information & Systèmes Université de Picardie Jules Verne, Amiens, France

27 September 2013
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12 May 2014
| | Citation



In this paper, we address the problem of exploration and topological map building in totally unknown environments for a mobile robot equipped with a sole catadioptric sensor. Multiple representations for spatial knowledge are built upon visual information only : free space detection, local space topology extraction, place signatures and topological links inferred from robot actions. We show how these spatial representations are nested together to incrementally build a spatial map of the explored robot space. The efficiency of the approach is evaluated in real world experiments, giving new solutions to real-time simultaneous localization,navigation and topological map building.

Extended Abstract

This pape raddresses the problem of autonomous exploration, navigation and topological map building in unknown environments. Considering a mobile robot equipped with an omnidirectional catadioptric sensor, we develop an incremental approach to merge successive local perceptions into a spatial model of the explored space. It is based on a set of local representations built from visual information only : 

– The omnidirectional free space, extracted in the image using an active contour (Merveilleux et al., 2011) initialized on the robot projection. It segments the image in two regions with complementary properties : the navigable space which carries the topological structure of the ground surroundings, and the obstacles which contain most of the relevant photometric information. 

– Thelocal Generalized VoronoiDiagram (GVD) computeddirectly in the image using an omnidirectional version of the Delta Medial Axis (DMA) on the extracted navigable space. It is based on an almost linear time skeletonization algorithm (Marie et al., 2013), able to deal with boundary noise through an original pruning process using a single parameter. To consider distortions involved by the catadioptric sensor, and thus compute the skeleton of the free space instead of the skeleton of its projection, we replace the euclidian metric by an adapted version that considers both the projection model and the position of the sensor with respect to the ground. 

– A visual signature built from the outer part of the image (the obstacles), which contains most of the relevant photometric information of the scene. We use the Haar integral invariants formalism to capture those information, and propose a combination of several kernel functions to produce a distribution-like signature with good discriminative properties.

Using a simple control law following the extracted skeleton, the robot navigates autonomously on the GVD, builds new signatures of discovered places, and identifies loop closures when needed. Each place is associated to a node in the topological map, and defined by a visual signature. A two threshold approach is used for localization purposes, and allows both new places identification and loop-closure detection. The entire process, including image acquisition, free space segmentation, skeleton extraction, signature computation and map update is performed online by the robot, in less than 200 ms. The efficiency of the approach is evaluated in real world experiments, giving new solutions to the real-time simultaneous localization, navigation and topological map building.


Dans ce papier, nous présentons une nouvelle méthode pour l’exploration autonome d’environnements inconnus et la construction de carte topologique par un robot mobile terrestre à partir d’un capteur de vision catadioptrique. Nous proposons une approche incrémentale qui permet au robotd’extraire et de combiner plusieurs représentations spatiales construites à partir des images acquises: l’espace libre navigable obtenu par la propagationd’un contour actif, les topologies locale et globale déterminées à partir du squelette de l’espace libre et une signature de lieu fondée sur l’information photométrique pertinente. Des résultats expérimentaux en environnement extérieur à large échelle démontrentl’efficacitédel’approche et ouvrent de nouvelles perspectives pour les méthodes de navigation autonome basées vision, qui sont encore aujourd’hui un problème ouvert en robotique. 


autonomous exploration, topological mapping, place recognition.


exploration autonome, carte topologique, reconnaissance de lieu.

1. Introduction
2. État de l’Art
3. Segmentation de L’Espacelibre
4. Extraction de la Topologie Locale
5. Construction de la Signature de Lieu
6. Exploration Autonome et Construction de Carte
7. Validation et Expérimentations en Conditions Réelles
8. Conclusion

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