The finite rate of innovation is a recently proposed concept for reducing the sampling frequency of signals depending on a finite number of parameters. In this paper, low complexity sampling schemes are designed for bandpass signals, which are typical for ultra-wideband (UWB) transmissions. Firstly, two compressed sensing schemes, single-channel (Sum of Sincs [SoS] filter) and multichannel (multichannel modulating waveforms [MCMW]) respectively, are extended to such signals, taking into account the circuit implementation constraints. These schemes allow sampling at greatly reduced frequencies that do not depend on the bandwidth of the signals, but only on the number of UWB channel paths. Then, the effectiveness of the proposed approach is demonstrated through two applications: estimation of the UWB channel for a low complexity coherent Rake receiver, and indoor accurate localization in a dependency aid context.
ultra-wideband, finite rate of innovation, channel estimation, time of arrival, coherent Rake receiver, indoor localization.
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