Radioscopic and Ultrasonic Data Fusion Via the Evidence Theory. Fusion de Données Radioscopiques et Ultrasonores via la Théoriede L'Évidence

Radioscopic and Ultrasonic Data Fusion Via the Evidence Theory

Fusion de Données Radioscopiques et Ultrasonores via la Théoriede L'Évidence

Anne Dromigny-Badin Solange Rossato  Yue Min Zhu 

CREATIS, UMR CNRS (#5515), et affilié à l'INSERM INSA 502 69621 Villeurbanne Cedex

2 December 1996
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A data fusion method, based on the the Dempster-Shafer evidence theory, is presented that aims at improving the reliability of taking a decision by simultaneously exploiting complementary information from two different sources . Within this framework, both discrete and continuous hypotheses are studied in a systematic manner. The data fusion method is applied to problems of improving the reliability of Non Destructive Testing (NDT) using real-time x-ray (RX)radioscopy and ultrasounds (US).It is illustrated with the aid of radioscopic and ultrasonic data corresponding to the same test objects . The results of detection, identification and quantification of defects are discussed and compared in detail, in both monomodality and multimodality. 


A data fusion method, based on the the Dempster-Shafer evidence theory, is presented that aims at improving the reliability of taking a decision by simultaneously exploiting complementary information from two different sources . Within this framework, both discrete and continuous hypotheses are studied in a systematic manner. The data fusion method is applied to problems of improving the reliability of Non Destructive Testing (NDT) using real-time x-ray (RX)radioscopy and ultrasounds (US).It is illustrated with the aid of radioscopic and ultrasonic data corresponding to the same test objects . The results of detection, identification and quantification of defects are discussed and compared in detail, in both monomodality and multimodality.


Data fusion, Dempster-Shafer evidence theory, non destructive testing, real-time x-ray radioscopy, ultrasonic imaging .

Mots clés 

Fusion de données, théorie de l'évidence de Dempster-Shafer, contrôle non destructif, radioscopie numérique, contrôle ultrasonore. 

1. Introduction
2. Théorie de Dempster-Shafer
3. Adaptation de la Méthode à la Quantification de Paramètres Continus
4. Application sur des Piècestest
5. Conclusion

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