Radioscopic and Ultrasonic Data Fusion Via the Evidence Theory
Fusion de Données Radioscopiques et Ultrasonores via la Théoriede L'Évidence
A data fusion method, based on the the Dempster-Shafer evidence theory, is presented that aims at improving the reliability of taking a decision by simultaneously exploiting complementary information from two different sources . Within this framework, both discrete and continuous hypotheses are studied in a systematic manner. The data fusion method is applied to problems of improving the reliability of Non Destructive Testing (NDT) using real-time x-ray (RX)radioscopy and ultrasounds (US).It is illustrated with the aid of radioscopic and ultrasonic data corresponding to the same test objects . The results of detection, identification and quantification of defects are discussed and compared in detail, in both monomodality and multimodality.
A data fusion method, based on the the Dempster-Shafer evidence theory, is presented that aims at improving the reliability of taking a decision by simultaneously exploiting complementary information from two different sources . Within this framework, both discrete and continuous hypotheses are studied in a systematic manner. The data fusion method is applied to problems of improving the reliability of Non Destructive Testing (NDT) using real-time x-ray (RX)radioscopy and ultrasounds (US).It is illustrated with the aid of radioscopic and ultrasonic data corresponding to the same test objects . The results of detection, identification and quantification of defects are discussed and compared in detail, in both monomodality and multimodality.
Data fusion, Dempster-Shafer evidence theory, non destructive testing, real-time x-ray radioscopy, ultrasonic imaging .
Mots clés
Fusion de données, théorie de l'évidence de Dempster-Shafer, contrôle non destructif, radioscopie numérique, contrôle ultrasonore.
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