In order to improve the control behavior of the electromagnetic suspension (EMS) system of the low-speed maglev train, this paper establish the train-guideway coupling non-linear dynamic model composed of the single electromagnet and the elastic guideway. Hurwitz stability criterion is utilized to prove the open-loop instability of the train-guideway coupling system. The vibration information of the guideway is input into the controller design and involved in the calculation of the control strategy. Simulation results show the presented controller can eliminate the vibration of the guideway and reduce the exacting requirements of system stability on the guideway properties. Moreover, the train-guideway coupling system with the presented controller shows better dynamic performance.
Low-speed maglev train 1, Dynamic model 2, Coupling vibration 3, Nonlinear control 4.
This research is supported by Key Projects in the National Science & Technology Pillar Program of China. (2013BAG19B00-01), Key Projects in the National Science & Technology Pillar Program during the Twelfth Five-year Plan Period (2011BAJ02B00).
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