Social media systems have been proven to be valuable platforms for information and communication, particularly during events; in case of natural disaster like earthquakes tsunami and states of nuclear emergencies in Japan in 2011. The behavior leads to an accumulation of an enormous amount of information. However, finding relevant posts can be a challenging task, since the relevance of a post is dependent both on its content, author and tweet’s characteristics. Besides identifying tweets that describe a specific type of event is also challenging due to the high complexity and variety of event descriptions. These challenges present a big opportunity for Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Information Extraction (IE) technology to enable new large-scale data-analysis applications. Taking to account all the difficulties, this paper proposes a new metric to improve the results of the searches in microblogs. It combines content relevance, tweet relevance and author relevance, and develops a Natural Language Processing method for extracting temporal information of events from posts more specifically tweets. Our approach is based on a methodology of temporal markers classes and on a contextual exploration method. To evaluate our model, we built a knowledge management system. Actually, we used a collection of 10 thousand of tweets talking about the current events in 2014 and 2015.
microblogs, relevant information, NLP, tweets search, information retrieval
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