Power measurement circuit is calculated by the current and voltage data from the chip microcomputer, the power data sent to the main control circuit of motor. Main control circuit connected to the keyboard and display circuit, current, voltage, power of the motor and other data displayed in real time on a monitor, and the motor current and voltage according to the set of data to control the motor. This system also contains the RS485 interface, Ethernet-interface and CAN bus interface, supporting MODBUS, TCP/IP communication protocols, etc. It uploads the collected data and some data after processing to the sever terminal through the bus connection. The further data processing and monitoring can be controlled by the host computer. Realization for prevention of power before the accident and after rapid treatment. It is important for construction of the smart grid to form a unified system and intelligent client-side interaction, coordination.
Thank you for your patience and cooperation.
Smart grid, Motor protection, Software anti-jamming, Cycle monitoring
This work is supported by Shanghai University of Engineering Science High Level Project to Cultivate Special (Project No. cs1401012).
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