This paper aims at developing a new Smartphone application to further assess the actual warning system to face to flash floods occurring in France in small basins (of less than 50 km2). We mainly discuss in this paper of the condition of the establishment of a new system using the reactiveness of Smartphones. We hope 1) to reduce the time required for warnings and protect population; 2) to enhance data collection provided by citizens since local scales; 3) to built a collaborative vigilance and a standing guard network based on these “citizenssensors" not depending on the official government systems; 4) to improve knowledge on flash floods damage observed in real-time. The solution is thought in the way to limit drawbacks between the classical approach (top-down) that imposed the government as a main warning source, and the citizens (bottom-up) we consider as “sensors” during crisis (both in going up or disseminating warning information). Addressing this is of paramount importance if we aim at minimizing material & human damages regarding the high acuity of flash floods.
smartphone, application, geo-localisation, flash floods, sensor citizen
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