Risk Management Analysis of SMK Telkom Makassar's Integrated Academic Information System in Compliance with ISO 31000 Standards

Risk Management Analysis of SMK Telkom Makassar's Integrated Academic Information System in Compliance with ISO 31000 Standards

Supriadi Sahibu* Abdul Sakti Akbar Iskandar

Department of Computer Systems, Universitas Handayani Makassar, Makassar 90231, Indonesia

Department of Informatics, Universitas Teknologi Akba Makassar, Makassar 90245, Indonesia

Corresponding Author Email: 
7 May 2023
10 July 2023
17 August 2023
Available online: 
27 February 2024
| Citation

© 2024 The authors. This article is published by IIETA and is licensed under the CC BY 4.0 license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).



This investigation seeks to analyze the security risks associated with the Integrated Academic Information System (iGracias) application at SMK Telkom Makassar, using the ISO 31000 standards as a benchmark. The study employs the ISO 31000:2018 Information Technology Risk Management methodology, encompassing stages of risk identification, risk analysis, risk evaluation, and risk treatment. This methodology enables the researchers to ascertain that risks have been accurately identified, thoroughly analyzed, and appropriately mitigated, minimizing their potential impact on the organization. The findings reveal security issues in the iGracias application at SMK Telkom Makassar, identified through scanning with NMAP Kali Linux, which exposed several open ports, including port 21/tcp, port 22/tcp, and port 25/tcp. Consequently, these open ports present potential opportunities for unauthorized access and cyber-attacks. Moreover, the Mobile Security Framework (MobSF) test results yielded a Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) of 6.1, indicating a medium security level for the iGracias application in the Android environment. User responses revealed process risk at 84%, system security risk at 62%, and incidental risk at 57%. The outcomes of this investigation may serve as a guide in formulating and implementing strategies to uphold the security and quality of the applications in use.


Integrated Academic Information System (iGracias), SMK Telkom Makassar and information technology security

1. Introduction

The advent of information technology has revolutionized educational landscapes, particularly in the realm of school administration and information management [1, 2]. However, this rapid technological advancement has invariably escalated the risks associated with its use in educational settings. It is therefore imperative for educational institutions to consistently undertake information technology risk management analyses to mitigate and minimize the adverse effects of these risks [3, 4].

The crux of information technology risk management in an educational context lies in safeguarding the systems and data from threats and untoward incidents, thereby ensuring their security [5]. The consequences of system security vulnerabilities can lead to unauthorized access and exposure of sensitive information, inflicting detrimental effects on institutions [6]. Despite the significance of system security awareness in thwarting cyber threats, empirical research on security risks in higher education and schools is scarce [7].

Potential information technology risks in schools may encompass data loss or leakage, virus and malware attacks, system hacking, and misuse of access [8, 9]. Consequently, a comprehensive risk management analysis is necessitated to identify, evaluate, and devise appropriate measures to attenuate or potentially eliminate these risks.

Robust information system security can avert financial loss, reputational damage, and severe academic system impairment [10]. Research has indicated a year-on-year increase in cyber attacks and security breaches in educational institutions, primarily attributed to lackadaisical attention to information security, ethical violations, and insufficient investment in security infrastructure [11, 12].

Risk management can play an instrumental role in maintaining the availability, integrity, and confidentiality of school data, and enhancing the efficacy of the learning process [13]. Regular risk management analysis activities can ensure the protection and safety of information technology systems and data, while minimizing potential losses resulting from unwanted information technology risks.

SMK Telkom Makassar utilizes the Integrated Academic Information System (iGracias) to streamline its administrative and academic activities. The iGracias Mobile Application facilitates real-time access to information such as class schedules, grades, attendance, announcements, and other academic information for students and parents, in addition to providing an online payment platform for school necessities. This application is envisaged to accelerate administrative processes, enhance efficiency, and simplify the monitoring of student academic progress (Figure 1).

Despite the pivotal role of iGracias in disseminating information throughout the academic community to support all educational activities, system performance can be compromised by various hazards and risks. Therefore, a risk analysis of the iGracias information system is of paramount importance.

In Telkom Makassar Vocational School, it was discovered through observations that the system had never undergone a risk management analysis, rendering it susceptible to various attacks. These observations underscored the necessity for an information technology (IT) risk analysis using ISO 31000 risk management to mitigate and guard against potential threats.

Thus, this study aims to analyze information technology risk management in Integrated Academic Information Systems in schools using the ISO 31000 standard. The risks are stratified into very high, high, medium, low, and very low categories. Accordingly, a risk analysis of the Integrated Academic Information System (iGracias) at SMK Telkom Makassar is deemed essential.

Figure 1. iGracias application dashboard

2. Literature Reviews

2.1 Risk management analysis

The management of risk within information systems is a pivotal process that necessitates the identification, quantification, assessment, and mitigation of risks associated with the deployment of such systems within an organization [14]. An analysis is undertaken with the aim of pinpointing potential threats [15] and identifying inherent vulnerabilities in the existing information systems. Subsequently, it is the goal to devise suitable preventive or mitigation measures [16, 17]. Typically, the process involves a collaborative effort between the risk management and information technology teams to identify and address risks that may compromise the integrity of the information systems, such as data breaches or external attacks that can detrimentally affect both the users and the organization [18].

Such risks can manifest as data leaks, system damages, privacy infringements, and losses of IT assets, all of which can negatively impact the security and integrity of the information systems [19]. To prevent these adverse outcomes, it is essential to identify potential risks that may arise in every business process that involves IT. Upon identification, the subsequent step involves risk evaluation, wherein the likelihood and impact of the risk are assessed.

This evaluative process assists in determining the mitigation priority for the most critical risks. Methods of risk mitigation may encompass access management, routine system backups, IT usage activity monitoring, and periodic employee training on secure and non-harmful IT usage. Evaluations can be conducted internally through audit processes or externally through system penetration testing. Regular evaluations contribute to the enhancement of an organization's information system's quality and security [20]. In the digital era, IT risk management is considered a crucial component in ensuring business continuity, success, and integration at the business process level within an organization [21].

The efficacy of risk management hinges on its integration into corporate decision-making processes. The systematic and organized identification of risks that need to be managed by corporations is the objective of risk identification. This approach is vital as any undetected risks during this stage may be overlooked in the subsequent stages. Moreover, the procedure should focus on identifying risks that are within the organization's control. The ISO 31000 standard consists of six components: governance and commitment, integration, planning, implementation, assessment, and change [22, 23].

Risk assessment, as part of the risk assessment process, determines which risks require attention and their prioritization [24]. Risk analysis, which identifies the type and level of risk, assesses the potential impacts and risks an organization may encounter. Through the likelihood and impact matrix of IT risk management, organizations can take appropriate actions to curtail risks to their IT systems.

According to ISO 31000, risk is defined as the effect of uncertainty on objective achievement [25, 26]. Risk, as defined in the Big Indonesian Dictionary, is an unpleasant (dangerous) result of an action or activity. Conversely, the Australian Standard/New Zealand Standard 4360 2004 defines risk as a possibility that could influence a goal, measured by consequences and probabilities. While risk is often associated with negative outcomes, accepting risk can also yield positive outcomes for companies, such as facilitating swift decisions to counteract cyberattacks [27].

2.2 Risk management principles

Principles of risk management pertaining to information technology encompass risk identification, assessment, control, and monitoring [28]. These principles form the bedrock of risk management, offering guidance in the formation and maintenance of structures and processes essential for risk management. The primary objective of these principles is to facilitate the accomplishment of organizational and corporate goals, thereby driving performance enhancement and innovation.

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has published ISO 31000, an international standard that provides guidelines for effective and efficient risk management [29]. This standard offers a versatile framework that can be adapted across diverse organizational types and industrial sectors. The principles of risk management delineated in ISO 31000 include:

a. Risk management should be a continuous, integrated process, consistently and systematically executed in alignment with the organization's business activities. This process requires regular monitoring and management.

b. Assessment of organizational context necessitates understanding the internal and external contexts that could engender risks, such as organizational objectives, market conditions, legal requirements, among others.

c. During the risk identification process, organizations should pinpoint risks that could potentially compromise their objectives. These risks can originate from various sources, including the work environment, technology, policies, procedures, and others.

d. Risk assessment by the organization entails evaluating the identified risks to determine their significance and the probability of their occurrence. Risk assessments should be data-driven and grounded in factual analysis.

e. In the risk treatment phase, organizations should decide on the appropriate strategy and actions to manage the identified and evaluated risks. Possible actions may include risk avoidance, risk monitoring, risk transfer, and others.

f. Organizations should ensure that effective communication and consultation is carried out with all stakeholders involved in risk-related matters, including employees, business partners, customers, and others.

g. Organizations must monitor and evaluate the efficacy of the risk management implemented, conducting regular risk assessments to ensure the identified risks remain relevant and congruent with the organization's context.

By implementing the risk management principles outlined in ISO 31000, organizations can enhance their risk management effectiveness and efficiency, bolstering their credibility and reputation among stakeholders. Compliance with the ISO 31000 standard also aids organizations in meeting the legal and regulatory requirements concerning risk management applicable in their region [30, 31].

2.3 Framework for risk management

The framework for risk management is designed to facilitate more effective risk management in institutions or businesses, serving as a reference for risk control and strategic planning [32, 33]. It is perceived that the success of risk management is contingent upon its integration into corporate decision-making processes. The framework, applied across various organizational levels and specific situations, fosters successful risk management by ensuring that risk information derived from the process is accurately reported and serves as the basis for accountability throughout the organization.

The ISO 31000 risk management framework outlines seven steps that organizations should follow to manage risk systematically and structurally [34]. The initial stage, evaluation, necessitates that organizations appraise and understand the risks associated with their operations. This is followed by the improvement stage where risks are assessed against specific criteria such as risk tolerance and organizational objectives. The third stage, integration, requires the development of a risk management strategy in line with the identified risk level.

The subsequent stage, design, involves the selection of suitable risk mitigation measures to address the identified risks. The following stage, implementation, mandates the execution of the selected risk management strategy. The penultimate stage, monitoring, calls for an evaluation of the effectiveness of the implemented risk management strategy. Lastly, the review stage involves periodic reassessments to ensure continued improvement of the risk management process. Adhering to all stages of the ISO 31000 risk management framework allows organizations to manage risks more effectively and minimize potential negative impacts on their operations.

The ISO 31000 risk evaluation matrix is utilized in risk management to assess risks identified by the organization [35]. This matrix aids organizations in the identification, assessment, and prioritization of operational risks. Within the ISO 31000 risk evaluation matrix, risk is analyzed based on two dimensions: the likelihood of risk occurrence and the resulting consequence or impact. Subsequently, the organization assigns a score to each dimension and combines them to attain an overall risk score. Two risk assessment methodologies exist, namely qualitative evaluation and quantitative evaluation, as illustrated in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Risk evaluation matrix

3. Methodology

The research method used in this study uses the ISO 31000: 2018 method which begins with risk identification, risk analysis, risk evaluation, risk management [36-38]. The data analysis technique used is descriptive quantitative. The initial step taken in this study was to conduct interviews with iGracias information system operators with the aim of finding out how often an incident occurs that hinders activities in the iGracias information system. In addition, using the Network Mapper (Nmap) and Mobile Security Framework (MobSF) tools to identify system security risks.

NMAP is a tool used to perform network scanning and find information about hosts connected to it, while Kali Linux is a Linux distribution specially designed for penetration testing and security testing [39]. Mobile Security Framework (MobSF) is a tool used to test the security of mobile devices [40]. In addition, research on Academic Information Systems Risk Management Analysis Using ISO 31000, NMAP, Kali Linux, and MobSF used to test the security of academic information systems in order to be able to perform tests on the system and identify potential security threats [41]. The results of this test can be used to carry out risk management, namely identifying potential damage that could occur and taking preventive action to address the identified risks.

Questionnaires are used to collect data through a series of questions or written statements to all respondents (users) to be answered directly [42], while the system eligibility criteria based on user responses use the risk probability criteria as shown in Table 1.

Next in Table 2, explains the risk impact criteria. Risk criteria are generally used to assist organizations in determining and evaluating the range of risks that will be taken or not taken in achieving a goal or target [14, 43]. Risk criteria should be determined and taken into consideration in light of the needs of the organization and the viewpoints of stakeholders. These risk criteria are dynamic and can be changed regularly if necessary.

Based on the previous explanation, Telkom Makassar Vocational School has now adopted an Integrated Academic Information System known as iGracias. However, iGracias does not yet have a risk identification system which will certainly affect the organization's goal of providing information to the entire academic community. So an information technology risk management plan is needed in accordance with the ISO 31000: 2018 standard. The information system risk management process can be seen in Figure 3, while the risk management flowchart for SMK Telkom Makassar can be seen in Figure 4.

Table 1. Risk probability criteria

Likelihood Rating


Probability (%)


Very rarely

0 - 10 %



> 10% - 20%



>20% - 50%



> 50% - 70%


Very often


Table 2. Risk impact criteria

Risk Rating


Percent (%)



Very small

0 - 30 %

Information system risk tends to be very low and the probability of being affected by a loss is very small.



> 30% - 45%

Information system risk tends to be low and is likely to be impacted with little loss.



> 45% - 55%

Information system risk is likely to be moderate and likely to be adversely affected.



> 55% - 70%

Information system risk tends to be high and the possibility of loss is very likely to occur.


Very large


Failure to achieve goals and failures.

Figure 3. Information system risk management

Figure 4. Flowchart of information system risk management analysis at SMK Telkom Makassar

4. Results and Discussion

This section will explain the results of research on the analysis of information technology risk management on the iGracias information system at SMK Telkom Makassar, while the stages in risk management planning are risk identification, risk analysis, risk evaluation, risk treatment [44]. The risk management process according to ISO 31000 is as follows:

  1. Communication: Consultation and communication with stakeholders to assist the process of investigation and assessment of the system.
  2. Determination of Context: Context intended to describe the basis of risk management, as well as boundaries and criteria.
  3. Risk Assessment: Risk assessment is described by ISO 31000 as a general process of risk identification, analysis and evaluation.

Based on the stages, the first step taken is to identify possible risks that might occur by the scanning method using the Mobile Security Framework (MobSF), NMAP Kali Linux and a questionnaire for system user responses.

4.1 Risk identification

The purpose of risk identification in this study is a process to capture any risks that have the potential to hinder the achievement of the goals and objectives of the iGracias information system at SMK Telkom Makassar. Based on the results of scanning using Nmap on the Kali Linux terminal by giving the command "nmap -A iGracias.telkomsel.sch.id" information was obtained that several ports on the iGracias system were open, such as port 21/tcp, port 22/tcp, port 25/ tcps and others. This can provide information that the port can pose a risk of infiltration, exploitation, data theft and the spread of malware in the academic information system of SMK Telkom Makassar. The results of the analysis can be seen in Figure 5.

The -A option in the command above aims to perform an aggressive scan by activating several options automatically such as detecting the operating system used by the host, the software version used, running several scripts related to the destination host and tracing network routes. While the results of identification of possible risks with the Mobile Security Framework (MobSF) can be seen in Figure 6.



Figure 5. Scanning results using Nmap

Figure 6. Scanning results using MobSF

Table 3. Process risk identification

Risk Code

Process Risk Type






Abuse of access rights






Device theft






Limited access bandwidth






Failure to enter data






There is no regular hardware maintenance






Staff concurrent other tasks






Server down






Database errors





Table 4. iGracia system security risk identification

Risk code

Types of System Security Risks






Network hacking






Infected with malware












SQL injections






Cross script scripting (XSS)





Table 5. Incidental risk identification

Risk Code

Incidental Risk Type























The Mobile Security Framework (MobSF) is a framework used for testing mobile applications that is capable of automatically analyzing the vulnerabilities or security holes of an application either on the Android, IOS or Windows operating system. Based on the results of the Application Package (APK) scanning on the iGracias android application using MobSF tools, an Averange CVSS (Common Vulnerability Scoring System) value of 6.1 means that the security level of the iGracias application is in the medium category, so that the risk of illegal access to the iGracias application can still occur.

Based on risks that have been identified with previous MobSF and NMAP tools. Furthermore, identification of risks with the questionnaire method involving all staff and teachers who use the igraicas information system. In this study there are sixteen types of risk. Front types of risk identification can be seen in Table 3.

Based on Table 3, an average process risk value of 84% is obtained for each type of risk faced, namely risk code R001 concerning abuse of access rights. At this risk it appears that 80 percent of respondents stated that the system was used by people who were not responsible, while 20 percent said they were not. Furthermore, the risk code R002 (device theft) means operational loss risk, because 68 percent of respondents chose Yes and 32 percent of respondents chose No. Risk code R003 (Bandwidth access limited) the risk that will occur causing access failure to the information system based on the information of respondents 92 percent chose Yes and 8 percent chose No.

Risk code R004 (data input error) describes an error in data input resulting in an invalid report. Based on the risk instrument code, it was obtained that 96 percent of respondents chose "Yes" which means the risk of invalid process or data was caused by errors in data input and 4 percent of respondents stated that there was no problem. Risk code R005 (no hardware maintenance) can cause more severe damage and this was agreed upon by respondents as evidenced by the responses of 100 percent of respondents choosing "yes" and this has never been done hardware maintenance on the iGracias system of SMK Telkom Makassar.

Risk code R006 (staff concurrently with other duties) risks that can occur due to neglect of the main task due to additional tasks, this is evidenced by the response of respondents by 80 percent choosing "Yes" to do other tasks or additional tasks while 20 percent chose "no". In addition, server down and database errors often occur. In addition to identifying process risks, there are also threat risks, which can be seen in Table 4.

Table 4 describes the iGracias information system security risk with an average security risk value of 62%. As for the recapitulation of respondents' answers based on risk code R009 (hacking of networks), information was obtained that 60 percent of respondents agreed or chose "yes" if the system would be at risk of being damaged if an intruder took advantage of the security hole for his personal interests and 40 percent of respondents chose No risk. Furthermore, for the risk code R010 (attacked by malware), information was obtained that 80 percent of respondents stated that if the system was attacked by malware, it would have an impact on data damage and even data loss, while 20 percent said no. Additionally, for risk code R011 (vulnerability), R012 (SQL Injection) and R013 (cros script scripting) also provide information that the security of the system is vulnerable to intruders taking over the iGracias information system. This causes the importance of identifying system security risks. Further incidental risk identification was carried out through the responses of respondents as shown in Table 5.

Table 5 describes the risks caused by natural disasters, an average value of 57% is obtained with an explanation of each type of incidental risk, namely the risk code R014 (flood) provides information that 52 percent of respondents stated that the iGracias system is vulnerable to the impact of flooding which causes losses either in information system infrastructure or other material losses and 48 percent of respondents stated that they did not have incidental risks. Furthermore, for risk code R015 (lightning) explaining about natural disasters caused by lightning or natural phenomena providing information if 56 percent of respondents stated that the risk of lightning had the opportunity to disrupt the iGracias system of SMK Telkom Makassar and 44 percent stated that there was no risk of damage caused by lightning.

4.2 Risk analysis

Risks that have been previously identified with several methods, then carried out a risk analysis with two criteria, namely the probability criteria and the impact criteria. The probability criterion explains how often the risk will occur, while the impact criterion explains how big the consequences will be if the risk occurs. In the risk analysis in this study using the questionnaire method with the aim of knowing the value of the probability and impact on a risk based on the assessment of each respondent. The results of process risk analysis, security threat risk analysis and incidental risk analysis results can be seen in Tables 6-8.

Based on the results of the analysis in Table 6, it can be seen that the average number of probabilities for abuse of access rights is 0.52 and the impact value is 0.64. So the probability likelihood rating is at level four (often) and the risk rating is at level four (high risk), which means that the problems faced by an organization tend to be high and there is a high probability of loss. Device theft has an average probability of 0.44 and an impact value of 0.60. The probability value is at the likelihood rating level (sometimes) and the impact value is at level four (high risk). Furthermore, the probability for limited access bandwidth, negligence in data input data and database errors is at the likelihood rating level four (often), while the impact value of limited access bandwidth.

Furthermore, the probability value for this type of risk is explained because there is no periodic hardware maintenance, Staff concurrently working on other tasks and server down is in the category of probability (sometimes), while the impact value due to the absence of periodic hardware maintenance, staff concurrently other duties has a risk rating level one (very small) and due to server down has a risk rating level five (very large) which means that a goal is not achieved and there is only failure.

Table 6. Results of process risk analysis

Risk Code

Process Risk Type




Abuse of access rights




Device theft




Limited access bandwidth




Data input negligence




There is no regular hardware maintenance




Staff concurrent other tasks




Server down




Database errors



Table 7. Results of security threat risk analysis

Risk Code

Risk type




Network hacking




Infected with malware








SQL injections




Cross script scripting (XSS)



Table 8. Incidental risk analysis results

Risk Code

Risk type















Table 7 describes the results of the risk analysis of information system security threats at SMK Telkom Makassar with an average probability of hacking a network of 0.40, while the chance of being attacked by malware (0.40), Vulnerability (0.48), SQL injection (0.44)), Cross script scripting (0.32). This value illustrates the probability likelihood rating is at level three (sometimes) and the value of the impact of hacking on the network is (0.68), SQL injection (0.56), Cros script scripting (0.64) at level four (high risk)) which means the risk to the information system of SMK Telkom Makassar tends to be high and the possibility of loss is very likely to occur. Likewise, the Vulnerability impact value of (0.76) is at level five (very large impact), which means it can causenot achieving the target. While the value of the impact caused by malware is at level three (medium risk impact) with a value of 0.52 which means the risk faced by organizations caused by malware tends to be moderate and is likely to be adversely affected.

Referring to Table 8, it appears that the average probability value caused by flooding is obtained by a value of 0.20 and the probability value of lightning risk is obtained by a value of 0.16 with an likelihood rating level four (rare), then for the probability value caused by an earthquake of 0.8 on the likelihood rating level four (very rare). Meanwhile, the value of the impact of flooding is at level three (medium) with an impact value of 0.48, meaning that the risks faced by the organization/information system tend to be moderate and may be adversely affected. Moreover, the type of lightning risk is at level five (very large) with a value of 0.72 which means that lightning risk can affect the achievement of an organizational goal.

After obtaining the results of the risk probability weights and the risk impact weights of the iGracias information system, risk mapping is then carried out using the calibration method based on the probability table and risk impact as shown in Figure 7.

The matrix in Figure 7 shows which risks are included in the red zone risk (high risk), yellow zone (medium risk) and green zone (low risk). The risks that fall into the red zone (high risk) include risks with codes R001 (abuse of access rights), R007 (server down), R008 (database error) and R011 (vulnerability). Furthermore, for the yellow zone (moderate), namely risk with code R002 (device theft), R003 (bandwidth access limited), R004 (moderate) negligence in data input, R009 (hacking), R012 (SQL injection), R013 cross script scripting (XSS), R010 (attacked by malware), R15 (lightning) while low risk there are four risks with the code R006 (staff concurrently serving other duties), R005 (no maintenance), R014 (flood), R0016 (earthquake).

Figure 7. Risk evaluation matrix

4.3 Risk evaluation

Risk evaluation or risk assessment on information systems is an important step in information security management. One of the methods that can be used in conducting a risk evaluation is based on the risk score and risk ranking. The risk score is an assessment of the level of potential risk that is calculated based on two factors, namely the likelihood or likelihood of a risk occurring and the impact caused by that risk. In calculating the likelihood, an analysis is carried out on how likely the risk is to occur, while in calculating the impact, an analysis is carried out on how much impact will result if the risk occurs.

Table 9. Risk evaluation

Risk Code


Risk Score

Ranking Risk


Abuse of access rights




Device theft




Limited access bandwidth




Data input negligence




There is no regular hardware maintenance




Staff concurrent other tasks




Server down




Database errors




Network hacking




Infected with malware








SQL injections




Cross script scripting(xss)















After the risk score is calculated, the risk ranking is determined. Risk ranking is a tool used to prioritize which risks must be addressed first and risk ranking is determined by comparing the risk score of one risk with another. The higher the risk score of a risk, the higher its position in the risk ranking. So risk evaluation aims to see risks that have the highest value and occur frequently. Based on these objectives, steps are taken to sort the highest risk to the lowest risk as shown in Table 9.

The results of the risk evaluation in Table 9 are determined by assessing the risk based on the risk score obtained from the multiplication of the impact and probability from the matrix table, while the risk ranking is determined by sorting the risk score from the highest value to the lowest. From the results of the risk evaluation, it can be seen that the risk included in the high risk category is code R008 (database error) with the highest score of 20. This score is in accordance with the findings in the operation of the iGracias information system database system as shown in Figure 8, followed by the risk of abuse of access rights with a risk score of 16, as well as server down and vulnerability, each of which has a risk score of 15.

4.4 Risk treatment

Risk treatment of information systems is a process to reduce or eliminate risks associated with information systems in an organization. This process is carried out by identifying and evaluating existing risks, then taking appropriate actions to reduce the impact that can occur when these risks occur. There are several types of actions that can be taken in risk treatment, including transferring risks to third parties, avoiding risks, reducing risks, and tolerating risks. The action chosen depends on the nature and level of risk. Risk Treatment is one way to ensure that information systems within an organization are always safe and protected from threats that may occur.

Based on the results of the previous risk evaluation, we can determine which risks will be handled first and immediately, so that treatment is needed as a step to carry out a risk response as explained below:

Process Risk

Risk code R001

Risk type: Abuse of access rights

Risk response:

- Limiting users in accessing the information system

- Assign users to those with responsibility

Deactivate the user id of users who have left the organization

Figure 8. Database errors

Risk code R002

Risk type: Device theft

Risk response: Installation of CCTV and monitoring systems

Risk code R003

Type of risk: Bandwidth access limited

Risk response:

- Make a schedule in accessing the information system

- Increase network bandwidth

- Optimizing program logic or database queries

Risk code R004

Risk type:

Negligence to enter data in the information system

Risk response:

SOP is required for re-checking data that has been entered

Risk code R005

Risk type:

Absence of regular hardware repairs

Risk response:

A regular hardware maintenance schedule is required

Risk code R006

Type of risk: Staff concurrently on other assignments

Risk response: Recruit new employees and provide training

Risk code R007

Risk type: Server down

Risk response:

It is very important to check the server regularly and have a maintenance schedule and provide information to users before the server is shut down

Risk code R008

Risk type: Database error

Risk response:

- Repairing corrupted databases

- Check database login credentials

- Repair corrupted files

- Perform regular database backups

- Delete obsolete data

Security Threat Risk

Risk code R009

Type of risk: Hacking against the network

Risk response:

- Perform network security monitoring connected with unknown access

- Provides protection/firewel protection

Risk code R010

Risk type: Vulnerability

Risk response:

Perform Vulnerability Assessments and Penetration Tests

Risk code R011

Risk type: Malware virus attack

Risk response:

- Setting up anti-virus malware detection/detection

- Install/update software regularly

Risk code R012

Risk type: SQL injection

Risk response:

- Filter input validation, especially the use of single quotes

- Hide error messages from a running SQL server

- If possible, disable standard features such as broken procedures

- On the [SQL Server Security] tab, change startup to run SQL Server as a low privilege user

- Installing a Web Application Firewall (WAF) and Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)

Risk code R013

Risk type: Cross script scripting (XSS)

Risk response:

- Using XSS prevention libraries such as PHP anti XSS, HTML Purifier, XSS HTML filter

- Using SDL in web applications can help reduce coding errors and avoid XSS attacks.

Incidental Risk

Risk code R014

Risk type: Flood

Risk response: Acceptance

Risk code R015

Risk type: Lightning

Risk response: Acceptance

Risk code R016

Risk type: Earthquake

Risk response: Acceptance

Information technology has now become a very important part of human life [45]. Likewise in the world of education, information technology is an important part of supporting learning activities and school administration [46, 47]. However, the use of information technology also presents various risks that must be managed properly so as not to disrupt the smooth learning process and school administration. Therefore, an analysis of school information technology risk management using ISO 31000:2018 is very important to do.

In general, these risks can be divided into several types and have different levels of risk. However, sometimes not all risks can be overcome at once, so it is necessary to prioritize them in handling them. In this case, the author explained that we can determine which risks need to be addressed first and immediately. This can be done based on the problem being faced and by carrying out the right handling or treatment. Thus, information system security risks can be minimized and information system security can be maintained properly.

Prioritization of risk management cannot only be based on the problem being faced, but also considers several factors that can affect the level of risk and the impact of these risks. These factors include the frequency of risk occurrence, the value of assets affected by the risk and potential losses that may occur. In this case, a good information system security risk evaluation must also be carried out continuously. Along with technological developments and increasingly complex attack methods, information system security risks are also increasingly diverse and changing. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out periodic risk evaluations to ensure that information system security is maintained and risks can be handled appropriately.

This study identifies the risks that can occur in information technology systems in schools through risk identification, risk analysis, risk evaluation and risk management. In the risk identification stage, researchers identified several risks that might occur in information technology systems in schools such as data leakage, data loss, computer virus attacks, and security system vulnerabilities. Then, in the risk analysis stage, the researcher conducts an assessment of the possibility of a risk occurring and the impact that can arise from that risk. After that, a risk evaluation is carried out by considering the level of possibility and impact of the risk.

The results of the study show that some risks have a high degree of probability and impact, such as data leaks and security system vulnerabilities caused by database errors, abuse of access rights, server downtime and vulnerabilities. Handling risks, researchers provide recommendations for implementing several actions such as increasing network security, protecting important data, and managing user access rights. In addition, it is also recommended to carry out training and development of human resources in the field of information technology in order to be able to minimize risks.

So by doing good risk management, schools can anticipate or minimize the risks that might occur. So that risk management carried out using the ISO 31000: 2018 standard helps in strengthening risk management in information technology systems in schools, so that it can become a reference for school institutions in improving the quality of risk management in their information technology systems, especially SMK Telkom Makassar. So by carefully evaluating the impact of risks, schools can improve systems, improve security and protect sensitive data. This is also explained by [48, 49] that with good risk management can have a positive impact on the sustainability of the company, especially the positive impact on the information system owned by an organization. This was disclosed because various problems could have occurred for the company so it was necessary to review and evaluate at any time to avoid unwanted things, such as misuse of access rights by illegal means [50].

5. Conclusions

Based on the results of the analysis and previous discussion, it can be concluded that the ISO 31000:2018 method can provide information about risk response to help manage iGracias information technology (IT) risks. Furthermore, from the results of the risk identification, risk information is obtained regarding abuse of access rights, device theft, limited access bandwidth, negligence in inputting data, no regular hardware maintenance, staff concurrently working on other tasks, server down, database errors, network hacking, viruses. malware and SQL injection. Furthermore, there are four high level risks, namely access rights abuse, server down, database errors and vulnerabilities, while eight moderate level risks (limited bandwidth access, negligence in data input, device theft, hacking, SQL injection, cross scrip scripting, lightning), as well as four low level risks (no regular maintenance, staff concurrently doing other tasks, floods, earthquakes). So using the ISO 31000: 2018 method can help the school anticipate the risk of failure of the academic information system at school.

Therefore, further researchers are expected to conduct research in the field of risk management analysis specifically for information system infrastructure and compare risk management between schools in Indonesia.


Acknowledgments to all colleagues for supporting this research, especially to the Chancellor of Universitas Handayani Makassar and the principal and teachers of SMK Telkom Makassar for their willingness to provide data to us.


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