Tourism Sector Preparedness in Zones with A High Seismic Risk: A Case Study of The Capital Region of Japan

Tourism Sector Preparedness in Zones with A High Seismic Risk: A Case Study of The Capital Region of Japan

Wu Lihui Haruo Hayashi Wang Dun

School of Management, Hubei University of Education, China.

National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience, Japan.

School of Earth Sciences, China University of Geosciences, China.

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Japan is a country highly vulnerable to natural disasters, especially earthquakes. Tourism, as a strategic industry in Japan, is especially vulnerable to destructive earthquake disasters owing to the characteristics of vulnerability, sensitivity and substitutability (or replaceability). Here we aim to provide theoretical understanding of the perception and responses of tourism managers towards damaging disasters in tourism destinations with high seismic risks. We conducted surveys among the mangers of tourism businesses in the capital area of Japan and applied structural equation modeling techniques to empirically test the proposed model with four latent variables, which are risk perception, threat knowledge, disaster preparedness and earthquake preparedness. Our results show that threat knowledge affects risk perception and disaster preparedness positively.  In addition, disaster preparedness positively affects earthquake preparedness. However,  the proposed paths from risk perception to disaster preparedness, risk perception to earthquake preparedness, and threat knowledge to earthquake preparedness were not statistically significant. Our results may provide references for policymakers in promoting crisis planning in tourism destination with high seismic risks.


disaster preparedness, resilience, risk perception, seismic risk.


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