This paper describes the experimental studies of multi-component solid state electrolytes based on CeO2 and their application in intermediate temperature electrochemical devices. Two important aspects are emphasized: the effect of different dopants’ ionic radius and concentration on the electrical properties of CeO2-based solid solutions in air and the influence of combined dopants on the electrolytic properties of solid electrolytes from the standpoint of the critical oxygen partial pressure pO2 at which point the values of the electronic and ionic components of conductivity are equal. Examples of usage of the developed multi-component Ce0.8(Sm0.75Sr0.2Ba0.05)0.2O2-δ electrolyte synthesized by solid state, laser evaporation and combustion methods and composites on the base of Ce0.8(Sm0.8Sr0.2)0.2O2−δ electrolyte as a component of electrochemical devices such as solid oxide fuel cell, gas sensors and as a component of the mixed ionic and electronic conducting (MIEC) membranes for hydrogen and syngas gas production are cited.
CeO2, electrolytic domain boundary, energy production, hydrogen production, MIEC membranes, oxygen conductivity, potentiometric gas sensor, SOFC, solid-state electrolytes
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