Meshless Large Plastic Deformation Analysis Considering with a Friction Coefficient by Triple-Reciprocity Boundary Element Method

Meshless Large Plastic Deformation Analysis Considering with a Friction Coefficient by Triple-Reciprocity Boundary Element Method

Yoshihiro Ochiai

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kindai University, Japan

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In general, internal cells are required to solve large deformation problems using a conventional boundary element method (BEM). However, in this case, the merit of BEM, which is the ease of data preparation, is lost. Triple-reciprocity BEM enables us to solve elastoplasticity problems with a small plastic deformation. In this study, it is shown that two-dimensional large plastic deformation problems with a friction coefficient can be solved without the use of internal cells, by the triple-reciprocity BEM. Initial stress and strain formulations are adopted and the initial stress or strain distribution is interpolated using boundary integral equations. In this method, only boundary elements are remeshed. A new computer program is developed and used to solve several problems.


BEM; large plastic deformation; initial stress method; numerical analysis; strain harden- ing; thin plate spline


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