A computational tool that integrates a Radial basis function (RBF)-based Meshless solver with a Lumped Parameter model (LPM) is developed to analyze the multi-scale and multi-physics interaction between the cardiovascular flow hemodynamics, the cardiac function, and the peripheral circulation. The Meshless solver is based on localized RBF collocations at scattered data points which allows for automation of the model generation via CAD integration. The time-accurate incompressible flow hemodynamics are addressed via a pressure-velocity correction scheme where the ensuing Poisson equations are accurately and efficiently solved at each time step by a Dual-Reciprocity Boundary Element method (DRBEM) formulation that takes advantage of the integrated surface discretization and automated point distribution used for the Meshless collocation. The local hemodynamics are integrated with the peripheral circulation via compartments that account for branch viscous resistance (R), flow inertia (L), and vessel compliance (C), namely RLC electric circuit analogies. The cardiac function is modeled via time-varying capacitors simulating the ventricles and constant capacitors simulating the atria, connected by diodes and resistors simulating the atrioventricular and ventricular-arterial valves. This multi-scale integration in an in-house developed computational tool opens the possibility for model automation of patient-specific anatomies from medical imaging, elastodynamics analysis of vessel wall deformation for fluid-structure interaction, automated model refinement, and inverse analysis for parameter estimation.
Lumped-Parameter Model, Multi-scale CFD, Meshless Methods, DRBEM
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