Numerical simulation EF/VOF to study the influence of the surface condition of the formation of the slats of a nickel deposit produced by plasma spraying

Numerical simulation EF/VOF to study the influence of the surface condition of the formation of the slats of a nickel deposit produced by plasma spraying

Tahar Souad Zirari Mounir Benzerdjeb Abdelwahab Hanini Salah 

LBMPT, University of Medea, University pole, Medea 26000, Algeria

LMA, University of Sciences and Technology, Oran 31000, Algeria

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The goal of the present work is within the framework of a better comprehension of the production of a coating by plasma projection. It concerns the numerical study of the formation of splats whose stack on the substrate leading to the coating of the substrate. The application of the model, two-dimensional, uses the finite element method and the fluid volume method (VOF) to solve the governing equations, and to enable to study the impact, the spreading out and the solidification of a ceramic drop on a metal substrate and the change of the temperature of the substrate. It predicts the morphology of the slate and eventual splashes during spreading. The results were compared with the results of other authors simulations, obtained under the same conditions. Through this study, it was found that the condition and the preheating of surface play a very important rolein the morphology and formation of splats


finite element, formation of splats, numerical simulation, plasma spraying, volume of fluid (VOF)

1. Introduction
2. Mathematical formulation
3. Results and discussion
4. Results comparaison
5. Conclusion

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