Dear colleagues,
The "5th AIGE / IIETA International Conference and XIV AIGE Conference", scheduled for 11 and 12 June 2020 at the Faculty of Engineering of the Marche Polytechnic University – Ancona (Italy), will be sadly remembered by our community for their unfortunate concomitance with an event unprecedented: the COVID-19 pandemic.
Due to the critical historical and social impact of this period the organizing committee decided to cancel the conference, in agreement with the President of AIGE. Furthermore, we have decided to avoid to move conference to the next September to not further burden the members of our scientific community of an inappropriate number of conferences. It is also our intention to left time to the colleagues for organizing appropriately the new way of teaching following new canons never conceived before COVID-19 emergency.
The organizing committee announces that: the "6th AIGE / IIETA International Conference and XV AIGE Conference" will be held at Faculty of Engineering of Marche Polytechnic University – Ancona (Italy) on 10 and 11 June 2021. The papers presented for the edition 2020 will be submitted to the International Scientific Committee to evaluate the publication on TI-IJES. For interested Authors the extended versions of the papers could be published on Scopus indexed international journals at the end of the year. We want to communicate that the publishing process is intended without any fee. Papers for TI-IJES have to submitted no later than 26 June 2020 with any exception.
The AIGE President prof ing. ENRICO LORENZINI