Many companies are using MapReduce applications to process very large amountsof data. In order to optimize the task allocation, several systems collect data from previous runs and predict the performance doing job profiling. However they are not effective during the learning phase, or when a new kind of job or data set appears. In this paper, we present an adaptive multiagent system for large data sets analysis with MapReduce. We do not preprocess data but we adopt a dynamic approach, where the reducer agents interact during the job. In order to decrease the workload of the most loaded reducer - and so the running time - we propose a task re-allocation based on negotiation. We prove that the negotiation process terminates and leads to a better task allocation. Our experimentations over real-world data confirm the added-value of negotiation
multiagent system, distributed problem solving, negotiation, big data, MapReduce
Ce travail s’inscrit dans le défi CNRS MASTODONS 2017. Nous remercions le comité de programme des JFSMA ainsi que les relecteurs RIA qui, par leurs remarques, nous ont permis d’améliorer cet article.
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