Document research in a digital corpus can be considered as a browsing process driven by an information need. Such browses requires the use of traditional information retrieval tools to select relevant documents based on a query. But they can be improved by the use of customization and adaptation mechanisms in order to refine the representation of information needs. Several factors are useful to influence this customization: user profiles, browsing profiles, semantic proximity of documents, recommendations from other similar users, . . .We propose in this article to treat this diversity of influence by a multi-agent system interacting with a shared environment representing the users navigation. We follow a stigmergic approach in which the agents implement different customization factors and modify their shared environment, presented in a layer of artifacts, to influence the representation of users needs and the browsing.
coordination, evolution, adaptation, mixed systems.
Les travaux menés dans cet article bénéficient d’un financement du Grand Réseau de Recherche : Logistique, Mobilité, Numérique de la Région Haute-Normandie (projet PlaIR 2.0, 2013-2016).
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