Design patterns for environments in multi-agent simulations

Design patterns for environments in multi-agent simulations

Philippe Mathieu
Sébastien Picault
Yann Secq

Univ. Lille, CNRS, Centrale Lille, UMR 9189 – CRIStAL (équipe SMAC) Centre de Recherche en Informatique Signal et Automatique de Lille F-59000 Lille, France

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Environment, usually regarded as one of the key concepts of MAS especially in simu- lation, is however rarely specified in a precise or even explicit way, since its implementation is assumed obvious or given. On the contrary,  we argue that the way of modeling space and connections  between agents in a simulation, allows only a few efficient implementation so- lutions.  We aim at formalizing  the fundamental purposes of the environment, i.e. helping the agents to find their neighbors, and providing them with information.  Thus, the search for a balance  between modeling  issues on the one hand (environment topology, nature of the in- formation) and the operational priorities on the other hand (execution efficiency, relevance of knowledge representation), outlines four environment patterns. Through this unifying approach, the usual, monolithical  and sometimes complex, “environment” of a multiagent simulation can be modeled and implemented as the combination  of severals patterns.


multiagent-based simulation, environments, parsimony, engineering, design patterns.

1. Introduction
2. Formalisation de la notion d’environnement
3. Quatre patterns d’environnements fondamentaux
4. Combinaison de patterns
5. Discussion
6. Conclusion

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