Tiwouh: An enriched technology-based solution for communication interventions

Tiwouh: An enriched technology-based solution for communication interventions

C. FageS. Giblet M. Jaspard P. Grevesse C. Maillart 

Unité of Clinical Logopédie, Faculty of Psychology, Logopédie and Sciences of Education, University of Liègerue de l’ Aunaie, 30, Angleur, Belgium

Centre d’Accueil de jour La Fermette, APEM Service Verviers, Belgium

Independent Speech Therapist Obaix, Belgium

Corresponding Author Email: 
28 September 2018
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31 October 2018
| | Citation



Democratizing mobile technological devices lead to the development and spreading of tools supporting communication of individuals with Intellectual Disabilities (ID). Although promising, these tools exhibit limited impacts in daily life given their limited features and the lack of health professional support. This article presents Tiwouh, an enriched technological solution to support communication interventions. After documenting the needs, this solution has been deployed and used in real life situations within a daycare facility for adults with ID.


AAC, intellectual disability, assistive technology, field study, daily-life activities

1. Introduction
2. An Enriched AAC Technological Solution
3. Need-Based Approach
4. In Situ Deployment
5. Conclusion / Future Work

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