Study of the Reliability of Corroded Pipeline by the ASME B31G Method

Study of the Reliability of Corroded Pipeline by the ASME B31G Method

Belaid Salim* Pascale Balland Maati Ahmed Benchatti Ahmed

Mechanical laboratory, Mechanical department, University Amar Telidji, Laghouat 03000, Algeria

Univ. Savoie Mont Blanc, SYMME, FR-74000 Annecy, France

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13 July 2018
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17 September 2018
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This work concerns the study of the reliability of 5LX60 steel pipes for the transport of gas under the effect of corrosion failures, particularly corrosion peaks. The objective is to determine the life time of the pipes by estimating the probability of failure based on a parametric approach where the variables are considered. Initially, an ASME B31G-based calculation model is used to calculate the operating safety pressures in the corroded pipes. This method is usually deterministic. The application of a probabilistic method implies the knowledge of the variables and the dimensions, and which give us the reliability of the models used to calculate the pressures.


steel 5LX60, probability, ASME B31G method, pitting corrosion

1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
3. Pipeline Remaining Life Assessment
4. Conclusions

This research is the result of a master's thesis of Mr. Belaid Salim, held in March 2008, Department of Mechanical Engineering Faculty of Technology, University Abu Baker Belkaid Tlemcen, Algeria.


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