A comparative experimental investigation for thermal performance analysis of three different coolants flowing in a radiator is presented. Water (W) is used as base fluid for 0.01% volume concentration Multi Walled Carbon Nano Tube (MWCNT) nanoparticle. One step method is used to prepare the MWCNT-Water nanofluid. Cross flow unmixed radiator type heat exchanger is considered for the analysis. Performance of radiator subjected to flow of coolants like MWCNT-W nanofluid, and engine coolant oil are compared with water as coolant. Thermal analysis is conducted for different flow rates of 0.25 lpm (liter per minute), 0.5 lpm and 0.75 lpm. For 0.25, 0.5 and 0.75 lpm flow rate, variation in friction factor, heat transfer coefficient, Nu (Nusselt number), pressure drop and pumping power of these coolants is compared. Among the coolants considered MWCNT-W nanofluid comparatively gives maximum heat transfer enhancement due to its high heat carrying capacity. However MWCNT-W nanofluid consumes more pumping power than the other two coolants due its increased viscosity and pressure drop.
MWCNT nanofluid, radiator, engine coolant oil, water, heat transfer
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