This paper presents a down conversion mixer design with high gain, low power and low noise. Here, a combination of bulk injection technique, switched biasing technique and current bleeding technique is used for this mixer design. This is simulated in cadence tool using 0.18 µm CMOS process. The bulk injection technique enhances the conversion gain of the mixer with a noisy drain current. This noise is reduced by the use of switched biasing technique with a dc level shifter. The current bleeding technique is used to reduce the effect of parasitic capacitance, which results in progress of conversion gain and also improves the mixer noise. The proposed mixer produces a simulated conversion gain of 11 dB with a noise figure (NF) of about 8.1 dB and the third order input intercept point (IIP3) of 10.8 dBm. The power consumed by the circuit is 0.5 mW from 1.8 V supply voltage.
Bulk injection, Current bleeding, DC level shifter, Gilbert mixer, Noise figure.
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