The electrochemical behavior of 5-(4-Dimethylamino-benylidene)-1,3-diethyl-2-thioxo-dihydro-pyrimidine-4,6-dione at a plat-inum electrode was studied by semi-integration, semi differentiation of current, and digital simulation methods in 0.1 mol/L tetra-ethylammonium perchlorate (TEACl) in acetonitrile solvent. Cyclic voltammetric study revealed that the presence of three oxidative peaks due to the presence of two electron transfer coupled by chemical reaction (EC) and followed by electron transfer (E) step then EC, i.e., the overall process is ECEEC scheme. On going to negative potential there are two unidirectional reductive peaks associated with the oxida-tive peaks. The elucidation of the electrode behavior, the electrochemical and chemical data of the compound under investigation was de-termined using sweep voltammetry, semi integration & semi differentiation of current. The calculated electrochemical parameters and the nature of the electrode reaction were established & confirmed via generation of the theoretical cyclic voltammograms.
sweep voltammetry, convolution transforms, theoretical cyclic voltammograms
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