The validity of convolution voltammetry for determination accurate values of diffusion coefficient (D) and electrons number (n) consumed in electrochemical reaction has been explained by applying the technique to a carbon nanotubes chemically modified using func-tional groups of anthraquinone(AQ). The analysis with macrodisk electrode was facilitated due to the presence of minor contribution of nonfaradaic current, so moderate values of sweep speed can be used without subtraction of residual current to quantify the diffusivity of electro-active species.The values of D and nCb were determined simultaneously and demonstrated using convoluted procedure. The ob-tained results indicate that the convolution voltammetry provides advantages over constant state methods (plateau) such as micro-disk electrode voltammetry and rotating disk electrode voltammetry, as it is not limited by the method of diffusion (planar or radial), which remove the limitations of solvent viscosity, geometry of electrode, and voltammetric sweep speed.
convolution voltammetry, diffusion coefficient, digital simulation, heterogeneous rate constant
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