A classifier ensemble for classification of dynamic data. Application to an indoor air quality problem

A classifier ensemble for classification of dynamic data. Application to an indoor air quality problem

M. Lounes Bentaha Alexandre Voisin Pascale Marangé Alexandre Dolgui Olga Battaïa 

Université de Lorraine, CRAN, UMR CNRS 7039, Campus Sciences, BP 70239 54506 Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy Cedex, France

École des Mines de Nantes, IRCCyN, UMR CNRS 6597, BP 20722 F-44307 Nantes Cedex 3, France

Institut Supérieur de l’Aéronautique et de l’Espace, Toulouse, France

Corresponding Author Email: 
mohand-lounes.bentaha@univ-lorraine.fr, alexandre.voisin@univ-lorraine.fr, pascale.marange@univ-lorraine.fr, alexandre.dolgui@mines-nantes.fr, olga.battaia@isae.fr
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This paper adresses the problem of disassembly process planning taking into account the quality or states of the product to be disassembled. We propose an approach which is able to return the best disassembly level for a product considering the disassembly cost and the state of the product and/or the states of its subassemblies or components. The state of the product is represented using the concept of " Potentiel d'Utilisation Résiduel (PUR) " which is assumed to be a Gaussian random variable with known truncated distribution. A stochastic program is proposed to model the problem with the objective of maximizing the disassembly process profit. The latter is calculated as the difference between the positive revenue generated by recovered parts and the costs of the disassembly tasks. The revenue of a recovered part is a function of PUR. The developed approach is tested on two example case studies from the literature to analyze the impact of uncertain product quality on its disassembly process planning.


disassembly, partial disassembly, product quality, uncertainty

1. Introduction
2. Revue de littérature
3. Définition et formulation du problème
4. Modèle d’optimisation et approche de résolution
5. Illustration numérique
6. Conclusion

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