In this paper, we model the Feared Event (Collision between train and vehicle) of the Moroccan level crossing system using Fault Trees, in order to evaluate the unreliability of the system and to identify the critical components. First, a fault tree analysis to evaluate the system unreliability over the time is proposed. The human factors and components failure rates are taken into account. Then, an importance measures study is proposed to identify the critical components in the level crossing system.
railway signalling system, level crossing, minimal cuts, fault tree, importance measures.
First, we thank the ONCF as well as the Centre of Doctoral Studies of ENSAM MEKNES. Many thanks go to our colleagues and experts for the source of information and advice they gave us. We also thank obviously the International Conference of Modelling and Simulation (MOSIM'14) as well as the European journal of automated systems (JESA), to allow us to communicate and to publish our research and to share our conclusions with colleagues. This work was supported by the French National Research Agency, ANR-13-JS03-0007 RECIF
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