Performance evaluation of holonic paradigm application to a switch arrival system

Performance evaluation of holonic paradigm application to a switch arrival system

Carlos Indriago Olivier Cardin Odile Bellenguez-Morineau Naly Rakoto Pierre Castagna Edgar Chacòn 

LUNAM Université, IUT de Nantes – Université de Nantes, IRCCyN UMR CNRS 6597 (Institut de Recherche en Communications et Cybernétique de Nantes) 2 avenue du Prof. Jean Rouxel – 44475 Carquefou

Universidad de los Andes – La Hechicera Mérida 5101 Venezuela

LUNAM Université, Ecole des Mines de Nantes, IRCCyN UMR CNRS 6597 (Institut de Recherche en Communications et Cybernétique de Nantes) 4 Rue Alfred Kastler – 44300 Nantes

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Holonic paradigms have been extensively studied in the context of discrete manufacturing. A different class of systems is studied here, hybrid systems, which includes systems with piecewise continuous evolution and whose changes are related to some discrete variables evolution. In this case, a system reconfiguration is usually necessary, and Holonic paradigm is an appropriate response to the need of flexibility arising. This article proposes the application of a well-known reference architecture of discrete literature to a hybrid systems case. The proposed model consists in the union of hybrid Controller-Interface-System and Holonic PROSA model. A case study based on a system of arrivals switching was selected and shows the relevance of the discrete reference architecture to model hybrid systems. A performance evaluation is proposed by comparing the holonic control with a scheduling algorithm in the sever's position.


Hybrid control systems, holonic manufacturing systems, switch arrival system, PROSA

1. Introduction
2. État de l’art
3. Méthodologie
4. Cas d’étude
5. Application au cas d’étude
6. Évaluation de performance
7. Conclusion

Ce travail a été partiellement financé par le programme ECOS-Nord V11M01 (Ministère des Affaires Étrangères français et FONACIT Ministry of Science and Technology – Venezuela.)


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