Resilience study of inland navigation networks in drought period

Resilience study of inland navigation networks in drought period

Klaudia Horváth Houda Nouasse Lala Rajaoarisoa Eric Duviella Karine Chuquet 

Deltares - TU Delft, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences,

Department of Water management Delft, The Netherlands

Mines Douai, URIA, France

VNF, DT Nord-Pas de Calais, SEME, PARME Hydro, France

Corresponding Author Email:,,,, karine.chuquet@vnf .fr
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It is expected that the global change will have impacts on the rivers, channels and inland navigation networks. These forecasts result from studies of several research laboratories in Europe. Generally, it consists in coupling climate scenarios to hydrological models in order to forecast the water resource state by considering future horizons of several years. This step is relevant only if climate scenario and hydrological models are available. Also, it requires methods dedicated to the reduction of the uncertainties. Otherwise, the resilience study of the inland navigation networks against climate change can be done by designing an integrated model that reproduces their dynamics. This integrated model is able to take into account the influence of watersheds and groundwater. It is based on the daily water volume balance that supply and empty the networks. It allows determining the boundary conditions for the good operation of the inland navigation networks during drought periods. The proposed integrated model is illustrated by considering the inland navigation network of the north of France. 


modeling, large scale systems, global change, water management, inland navigation network.

1. Introduction
2. Etude de la résilience des voies navigables
3. Modèle intégré de réseaux de voies navigables
4. Modèle intégré du réseau Cuinchy-Fontinettes
5. Conclusion et perspectives

Ce travail est une contribution au projet GEPET’Eau financé dans le cadre du programme GICC du MEDDE, avec la participation de l’ORNERC et de la DGITM.


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