Towards Lean Healthcare: Implementation of operations excellence in public hospitals

Towards Lean Healthcare: Implementation of operations excellence in public hospitals

Virginie Fortineau Samir Lamouri Guillaume Eckerlein André Rieutord Niccolò Curatolo

Khtema, 75015 Paris, France

Arts et Métiers Paristech, LAMIH, Paris, France

Groupe Hospitalier Hôpitaux Universitaires Paris-Sud (GH-HUPS), France

Corresponding Author Email:,,,,
17 May 2015
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14 October 2015
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In the 80's, the Lean Production System urged industrial companies to « think different » the operational system. Nowadays, the public hospital is facing difficulties that make revelant a global organisationnal transformation. contributions involving Lean applications in healthcare exist, but there is a lack of global and structured methodology. In this article, we propose the Healthcare Excellence framework, which transposes the Lean manufacturing principles to the specific healthcare environment. The proposed methodology for healthcare transformation is illustrated with existing projects lead in French public hospitals.


Lean Healthcare, Healthcare management, operations management

1. Introduction
2. De l’excellence opérationnelle à l’hôpital
3. L’excellence hospitalière : définition et enjeux
4. La démarche d’excellence hospitalière
5. Discussion et perspectives
6. Conclusion

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