Choosing the Optimal Method to Provide Public Transportation Priority

Choosing the Optimal Method to Provide Public Transportation Priority

Anatoly Pistsov Dmitrii Zakharov

Department of Road Transport Operation, Industrial University of Tyumen, Russia

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The article proves that the traffic intensity of cars and buses is uneven both during the day and within 1 h. The dependences of the vehicles delay time when passing the intersection with five ways of providing the priority of public transport (PT) are given. The considered methods are divided into three groups: dedicated lane (passive), traffic light adaptive control (active priority) and combined options (combination of active and passive). To select the optimal method of priority in work, the users total delay time is used, taking into account the drivers and passengers time loss in private and public transport. An estimate of the total delay time was determined using the traffic simulation in PTV Vissim. Algorithms for adaptive control of a traffic light object were developed in the VisVap module.

The best way to grant priority is different for different traffic levels at an intersection. At low traffic intensities of cars and buses, the combined method (dedicated lane and “green extension”) is optimal. At high traffic intensities and a small number of passengers, the “green extension” becomes the best way. As the number of passengers on the bus increases, the effect of each method of granting PT priority changes to a different extent. So, at high traffic intensities, the combined method becomes optimal (dedicated lane and “green extension”).

Differentiation of the methods of providing the priority of PT in space and in time allows you to get the least loss of time for movement for each local section of the street and time period.


active priority, intelligent transportation systems, public transport priority, public transport, transport modelling


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