Port Risk Assessment in Container Terminals: The Case of Tunisia

Port Risk Assessment in Container Terminals: The Case of Tunisia

Smari Sihem Noumen Robert

Laboratory Cepn-Cnrs, Paris Sorbonne University, France

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The maritime sector is a complex, vulnerable transport network characterized by the disintegration and heterogeneity of its actors. The reticular structure of this network exposes the movement of containers to several risks. A maritime transport chain includes several actors working in a complex environment, in order to reduce the scope of our research. In this context, based on the existing literature on maritime risks in general, and port risks (within the port perimeter) in particular, we have compiled a comprehensive list of conceivable risks. We compared it with the risks that were identified in the TUNISIAN context. Our risk identification technique is a mixture of methodology (qualitative interviews with practitioners, existing literature and port data). In our study, the approach used to assess and analyse risks is the port risk assessment, which is a multi-step process (system identification, risk identification, risk assessment, risk control options and decision-making).

This paper contributes to the current risk management literature by confirming certain risks (in the literature) and offering new ones that have been specific to the Tunisian context (lack of a strategic role for the state with a low level of transparency). The risk assessment with an in-depth diagnosis aims to develop recommendations for optimized management while improving resilience, and it will serve as a remarkable efficiency tool that facilitates decision-making and the achievement of objectives.


Risk assessment, port, container terminal, Tunisia


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