Ensuring a timely, efficient and cost-effective delivery of facilities is an ongoing major concern for the construction industry. Human errors committed during the design and construction processes and omissions and design changes contribute to delays, leading to rework and cost overruns. A previous study has identified that the costs of design error related rework could add around 16% to the original contract value, and delays have exceeded the original contract duration by over 50% in some construction projects. Minimizing rework helps to improve project performance and timely delivery. Although building information modelling (BIM) is regarded as an effective technology with the potential to help reduce the amount of rework on construction projects, there is no support yet for this view from empirical evidence. Current research on rework management in construction has paid insufficient attention to the potential for improved communication and the self-consistent information flow between the project actors and a BIM database. This study scrutinizes the role of BIM in reducing the frequency of design errors, minimizing the amount of rework and enhancing the construction productivity in construction projects in China. A conceptual design error reduction (DER) model was proposed based on the advice and expertise of a total of 120 BIM and construction experts in China. Seven indicators are identified as crucial factors influencing design error. Clash detection (CD) and design coordination (DC) were found to be the two most important indicators from respondents’ rating. The study advances the understanding of the extent to which BIM can be made use of to reduce the amount of design errors and help improve project performance.
building information modelling (BIM), construction projects, design error, reduction
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