Sunrise: Large Scale Demonstrator of the Smart Water System

Sunrise: Large Scale Demonstrator of the Smart Water System

E. Farah A. Abdallah I. Shahrour


Laboratory of Civil Engineering and geo-Environment (LGCgE) Lille 1 University, France.

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The development of new monitoring and control technologies has changed the management of water distribution systems (WDSs) from passive to more efficient by generating the notion of a Smart Water Network (SWN). These technologies provide the real-time monitoring of the urban water networks and, consequently, improve the faults diagnosis. This article presents SunRise – Smart Water: a demonstration site of a SWN. The large-scale demonstrator is well equipped by a set of sensors that measure continuously the hydraulic characteristics of the system. The flow readings collected from the sensors are statistically analysed using the k-means algorithm evaluated by the entropy scorer to regroup clusters with same behaviour in terms of water usage. In parallel, the smart monitoring of the water network in the demo site has allowed for leakage detection either by following the water consumption patterns or by computing the minimum night flow (MNF).


smart water network, automatic meter readings, monitoring, leakage, minimum night flow


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