© 2022 IIETA. This article is published by IIETA and is licensed under the CC BY 4.0 license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
This article explores one of the functions of green marketing is communication that needs to be maintained from the company to consumers. Brand Trust is usually used in reference to a thought that serves as the main determinant of consumer decision-making. The application of green marketing is very important to support brand trust in Indonesian Industrial Properties. In addition, this study aims to identify variables that have a relationship with communication tools on brand trust. Furthermore, a conceptual model has been proposed as well as information collected through a survey of 400 consumer sample sizes, and the AMOS structural equation model (SEM) was used in this investigation. The results showed that of the 6 proposed variables, there were 4 significant variables that supported communication tools, namely advertising, direct marketing, personal selling, and interactive marketing. In particular, in green marketing-related communication tools that promote brand trust, research can contribute to scientific understanding. And it can be a recommendation for business actors who use green marketing to instill brand trust that can increase consumer awareness of the environment.
green marketing, communication tools, property industry, brand trust
Due to the industry's increasing competitiveness, it is necessary to develop consumer expectations through the employment of management practices aimed at retaining existing customers. There has been a surge in interest in green marketing among people working in the industrial sector in recent years. Businesses should establish a new corporate strategy in response to consumer environmental concerns that places a high emphasis on environmentally friendly alternatives such as green marketing. The creation of new management and marketing techniques to handle the difficulties inherent in the production of ecological products in order to comply with green marketing standards is being considered. According to Polonsky [1], green marketing can be defined as a set of activities They are created to yield and facilitate all trades in order to satisfy consumers while having little influence on the surrounding environment. Each business is seeking to incorporate environmentally friendly marketing strategies. The green marketing mix and the green marketing strategy, according to Dangelico and Vocalelli [2], are two items that should be resolved in order to improve a company's product development. The green marketing mix is comprised of four components: green product, green price, green promotion, and green environmental impact. Green marketing strategy, on the other hand, is concerned with positioning, segmentation, targeting, and differentiation. The importance of communication between the company and the general public cannot be overstated. Due to the fact that corporate communication is so critical to the development of a "green reputation" [3]. Brand trust, is frequently stated as a concept that is used as the primary factor in determining consumer decision-making, particularly in consumers’ brand and relationship choices [4]. Brands have a significant influence on how customers acquire products; communication tools are one of the supporting components in establishing brand trust and promoting green marketing.
Marketing is a critical component of a company’s strategy and must be considered if the business wishes to improve its performance. According to the American Marketing Association [5], marketing is an organizational function and a collection of processes for producing, conveying, and delivering value to customers, as well as for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the firm and its stakeholders. Additionally, marketing demonstrates a clear connection between the business world and society, as well as the effect of marketing operations on these connections. The property industry is currently confronted with environmental issues, a novel occurrence. This study sought to establish a link between communication tools and brand trust. This study discovered that these variables have an effect on the communication tool model, and the conceptual model's design should be explained in terms of the direction of the interaction between exogenous and endogenous variables, as demonstrated in this study.
This study focusses on establishing a link between communication tools and brand trust. Then, identifying variables that influence in the communication tool model as conceptual model's design. Moreover, it will be explained for the direction with interaction between exogenous and endogenous variables. In order to reminders, the rest of paper is organized as follows: Section 2 focuses on literature study, section 3 presents methodology; section 4 result analysis; section 5 summarizing result and discussions; finally, section 6 conclusion remark and further study of the paper.
Marketing actions are essential to benefit society as a whole through the green revolution's efforts. explores a review of the research on Brand Trust in relation to communication techniques used in green marketing in particular in this section. When it comes to the green revolution, environmental protection, sustainable lifestyles, and sustainable development, among a slew of other projects, have become a key force in contemporary society. Businesses should adopt new corporate strategies that incorporate ecologically friendly alternatives, such as green marketing, to make responding to these environmental phenomena easier and more effective. In the field of green marketing, also known as environmental marketing or sustainable marketing, an organization is defined as one that makes an effort to design, promote, price, and distribute products that are not harmful to the environment, as well as products that are environmentally safe or beneficial to the environment. Green marketing has emerged as one of the most important concepts today [6].
A green company could be defined as one whose purpose, activities, and material existence are all in perfect harmony with the natural and cultural environment, and whose employees adhere to strict ethical standards in their interactions and communication with one another and with the company's stakeholders, among other things. As a result, in order to develop a good reputation as a green business in the market, the organization must first establish a solid reputation. Building a reputation is a lengthy process that requires constant planning and supervision. As a result, it is critical to understand and be familiar with the aspects that contribute to the social development of a "green" business's reputation. The way a business communicates with the public can have an effect on its corporate identity; these elements contribute to the construction of a business's corporate identity and have a direct effect on the formation of the business's corporate image. It is vital for a business to communicate effectively with its consumers and the general public. Given the essential role of corporate communication in establishing a "green" reputation [3]. Chang [7] examines the influence of green viral communication on green buy intentions in order to gain a deeper understanding of customers' green purchasing intentions, taking into account both diffusion of innovation and conformity theory. Meilinda [8] did a second study to investigate whether brand trust has an effect on green marketing based on the communication tools employed.
Green marketing behavior is becoming more understood as a result of environmental, scientific, and communication improvements such as the internet and social media, as well as a rise in consumer awareness and concern about environmental issues.
The Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industrie 4.0) refers to a new era of digitalization. As a result, businesses may use any sort of social media to build brand communities. The research aimed to construct a model that would describe the interaction between customers and brand community members in light of the influence of social media on brand trust, among other factors.
2.1 Marketing
According to Grönroos [9], marketing is a planning and executing process of conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to be able to exchange and to comply individual and organizational goals. Mentioned exchange means exchange process between producer and consumer, in which the producer is in charged to fulfill the needs of consumer. Another previous study is by Jirangkul [10], who conducted research of best practices based on a high-performance organizational model with six causal factors and found that they were effective. Following that, you can read about Melinda’s previous research findings [8]. According to the research, brand trust has an impact on green marketing depending on the type of communication tools used to communicate with customers. As a result of this study, it was discovered that advertising and public relations have a significant impact on consumer brand trust.
2.2 Green marketing
Green marketing, in its broadest sense, encompasses all activities aimed at generating and facilitating any exchanges intended to satisfy human needs or desires, with the goal of ensuring that these needs and desires are satisfied with the least amount of negative impact on the natural environment as possible [11]. Additionally, Yan and Yazdanifard [12] stated that when a firm implements green marketing, a variety of benefits can be gained. When a firm incorporates green marketing into its business processes, it is more likely to incorporate green product development as well, the authors explained, which might result in long-term cost savings in operations and product development.
2.3 Green marketing functions
Green marketing is critical to an organization, but it is especially critical for those committed to the green notion. When a business executes this role, it is able to identify and source potentially successful items for its market, which will then be promoted by the business in a way that differentiates them from similar products. Green marketing is a broad term that involves product creation, marketing promotion, retailing and distribution, branding and positioning, and internal marketing [13]. Social responsibility, product image, and company reputation are some of the green marketingfunctions of a company's image when it is sold in a retail environment [14].
2.4 Brand trust
According to Ahmed [15], brand trust is the level of confidence that customers have in a particular brand when purchasing a product from that brand. Customer trust in a brand is a necessary element that can have an impact on customer trust in the brand. Customer trust in a brand is a necessary element that can have an impact on customer trust in the brand. The function is categorized under other functions in green marketing functions, and it is on the same level as other green marketing functions such as product development and marketing promotions as well as retailing and distribution [13].
2.5 Communication tools
Marketing, interactive marketing as an advertising medium, sales promotion, and public relations are all considered in this study, as mentioned in the background. Brand trust is considered as an endogenous variable and brand loyalty as an exogenous variable, as well as several other variables. Communication tools will cover a wide range of different tools for delivering planned messages to target audiences through various media in order to build a brand. As an approach to ensuring that brand personality, messages, and position are derived from a unique strategy and are delivered to the customer with synergy among all communication elements, communication can be defined as follows: Ekhlassi, Maghsoodi and Mehrmane [16]. The concept of a research model will be developed on the basis of various studies that have been conducted in order to make the research process more efficient. For the purpose of determining the impact on brand trust, a number of variables will be taken into account.
2.6 Advertising
Advertising making marketing claims that a product is made of environmentally sound materials or is contained in an environmentally sound package. With higher consumer awareness of environmental issues, firms obviously adopt ‘green’ strategies and start making environmental claims in their advertising campaigns with the desire of gaining an edge over their competitors [17]. Environmental (or green) advertisements refer to all appeals that include ecological, environmental sustainability, or nature-friendly communication that target the needs and desires of customers and stakeholders.
2.7 Sales promotion
The intention of sales promotion is to give the product greater appeal and value. Although a lot of sales promotion alternatives exist, traditionally the most widely used is an immediate price reduction. The implementation of an adequate sales promotion may guarantee an increase in sales in a short period. This has allowed sales promotion to acquire a greater prominence [18]. In green advertising, sales promotions can be conducted to communicate cost reduction to consumers in exchange for involvement in pro-social-environmental behavior or at least, the intention to act pro-environmentally.
2.8 Public relation / publicity
Public relations in industry, as has been shown, does not hesitate to remind the public of its contribution to progress via material goods and the economic turmoil that would result if this progress were hampered by environmental concerns. Green public relation is a response to specific events, such as contributing to environmental care activities, carrying out environmental care activities [19].
2.9 Direct marketing
Direct marketing includes responses to the client’s ability to move are obtained by the effect of direct marketing. Direct marketing is used through the agency of advertisement media. This point allows an organization to reach a client outside of the sales environment, and therefore, information and communication technologies are required. The last point is that response and action toward direct marketing attempts are measured. Direct marketing is one of the methods whereby a product is made available to the target mass and the message is presented to him/her in a proper way [20].
2.10 Interactive marketing
Interactive marketing is one of the most important concepts in every organization to survive in the marketplace. Thus, it is putting the customer first and anticipating needs [21]. Interactive marketing is a combination of conventional marketing’s planning and methods of the handling of relations with consumers and technologies, which enables the establishment of interactive mutual relations and attraction of new consumers.
2.11 Personal selling
According to The Economic Times [22], personal selling is known as face-to-face selling in which one person who is the salesperson tries to convince the customer in buying a product. This is a promotional method where the salesperson uses his or her skills and abilities to make a sale.
Figure 1. Conceptual model of communication tools
2.12 Conceptual model
The relation with the existence of green marketing that cares about the environment in building communication between consumers and companies using communication tools in this study is to design a conceptual design model of the value of communication tools and identify the relationship between communication tools variables and their values. And the following hypothesis has been formulated to test the relationship between variables on communication tools.
(H1) Advertising has a positive significant relationship toward communication tools.
(H2) Sales Promotion has a positive significant relationship toward communication tools.
(H3) Public relation has a positive significant relationship toward communication tools.
(H4) Direct marketing has a positive significant relationship toward communication tools.
(H5) Interactive marketing has a positive significant relationship toward communication tools.
(H6) Personal selling has a positive significant relationship toward communication tools.
The concept of the research model is made to facilitate research, and to find out what will be studied. Conceptual research models are obtained based on various studies that have been conducted. The conceptual model that will be made is about green communication tools that affect brand trust as shown in Figure 1.
Therefore, based on the identification of the problem, this study will focus on the green marketing function of a company and the researcher would like to identify variables that have a relationship to the communication tools toward Brand-Trust. This research is conducted by Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) using AMOS software, SEM as a method for multivariate statistical analysis technique that used to analyze structural relationships among variables.
3.1 Data collecting method
The focus of this study is related to green promotion, which refers to communication tools used by companies. In this study, several variables will be used and analyzed for the relationship between each variable toward brand trust. The object of the research was conducted in a Property Industry in Yogyakarta. The data was collected through a survey method on 400 sample sizes from consumers who have experienced and acknowledged green property products with consumer respondents who had bought the property in Yogyakarta. Analysis tools used by SPSS and SEM AMOS. Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) is a multivariate technique that is widely used to explore and test the relationships between variables which include regression analysis, factor analysis, multiple correlations, and path analysis [23]. The questionnaire that was prepared has a choice of answers in the form of a Likert scale. The questionnaire that is distributed consists of various statements relating to research variables and indicators. The method of measurement in this questionnaire is to give a statement to the respondent and then be asked to give an answer. The scale used in this study is using level 1 until 5.
3.2 Data processing method
The data that have been collected will be processed using SPSS and AMOS software. Tests carried out include measurement model tests, structural test models, and model modifications.
4.1 Model evaluation
Known for other definitions as confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). The measurement model is an examination of reliability and validity with the purpose of deliberating the consistency and accuracy of the data collected from the make use of indicators. Feasibility tests on the measurement model function to see whether a variable has been correctly measured by each indicator. A variable can be said to be measured by each indicator if it has a variance extorted A variable can be said to be measured by each indicator if it has a variance extorted value of (AVE) ≥ 0.5 and construct reliability (CR) ≥ 0.7. Based on the value of standardized regression weights on the results of AMOS output, the next phase is to calculate the Average Variance Extracted (AVE) and Construct Reliability (CR). The result of the calculation will be shown in Table 1 that can be seen the result calculation of both composite reliability (CR) and Average Variance Extracted (AVE) from 6 variables.3 variables shows that the CR value is greater or equal to the cut-off value of 0.7, the indicators have good internal consistency. Then for AVE values, it will be smaller than the value of construct reliability.
Table 1. Validity and reliability result
Variable |
CR |
Advertising |
0,6 |
0,6 |
Sales Promotion |
0,7 |
0,67 |
Public Relation |
0,7 |
0,7 |
Direct Marketing |
0,7 |
0,66 |
Interactive Marketing |
0,6 |
0,63 |
Personal Selling |
0,6 |
0,6 |
As the six variables obtain values of more than 0.5 shows that the number of variances of the indicators extracted by latent variables is more than the error variances.
The structural feasibility test model is expecting to see the relationship between variables that have been defined in the construction of the model, whether the relationship between variables has a significant effect, and how much value of the relationship between these variables. A structural model test is often referred to as a hypothesis test. To assess the significance of a relationship between variables, the researcher can see the p-value from the calculation of the regression value of the relationship. The structural model of this research can be seen in Figure 2. After the SEM assumptions have been made, the next step is testing by using several conformity indices to measure the proposed model. A few of these indices can be shown in Table 2 below.
Table 2. The goodness of fit indices
No |
The goodness of Fit Indices |
Cut of Value |
Model Result |
Category |
1 |
Probability |
≥ 0.05 |
0.00 |
Not Fit |
2 |
Cmin/df |
≤ 2.0 |
9.063 |
Not Fit |
3 |
Chi-square |
*Small |
888.190 |
Not Fit |
4 |
≥ 0.90 |
0.792 |
Marginal |
5 |
< 0.1 |
0.142 |
Marginal |
6 |
≤ 0.05 |
0.049 |
Good Fit |
7 |
≥ 0.90 |
0.675 |
Marginal |
8 |
≥ 0.90 |
0.842 |
Marginal |
9 |
≥ 0.90 |
0.841 |
Marginal |
10 |
≥ 0.90 |
0.826 |
Marginal |
Figure 2. Structural model
Based on the explanation in the table above, from the ten criteria, there are only one values that match the criteria, which is RMR from absolute fit indices. Some others are in the marginal fit category whose results are close to the predetermined conditions. Haryono [24] stated that the use of 4 to 5 criteria for the goodness of fit analysis is sufficient to assess the feasibility of a model, provided that each group of the goodness of fit is absolute fit indices and incremental fit indices are represented. From the statement above it can be concluded that the overall model can be accepted.
4.2 Hypothesis analysis of modification model
The next step is hypothesis testing. Data analysis in the hypothesis can be adopted from the regression weight value based on the value of the critical ratio of more than 1.96 and the value of the probability is less than 0.05. If the hypothesis results meet with required conditions, assumed that the hypothesis is accepted or has a significant effect. The estimation results in foreach exogenous variable with endogenous variables would be disclosed in Table 3. Based on the results of the regression weight analysis above, it showed that advertising, direct marketing, personal selling, and interactive marketing have a significant effect on communication tools because their critical ratio is more than 1.96 and the probability less than 0.05 with a significant level is level 5%.
Table 3. Estimation result
Variables |
Estimate |
S.E |
C.R |
P |
Label |
Communication_Tools <--- Advertising |
.452 |
.147 |
3.070 |
.002 |
par_11 |
Communication_Tools <--- SalesPromotion |
.308 |
.187 |
1.646 |
.100 |
par_12 |
Communication_Tools <--- PublicRelation |
-.176 |
.181 |
-.976 |
.329 |
par_13 |
Communication_Tools <--- DirectMarketing |
-.378 |
.163 |
-2.328 |
.020 |
par_14 |
Communication_Tools <--- InterMarketing |
.652 |
.307 |
2.127 |
.033 |
par_15 |
Communication_Tools <--- PersonalSelling |
.267 |
.072 |
3.723 |
*** |
par_16 |
Note: * a significant is level 5
In the early process of this research, a conceptual model was built that consisted of both exogenous and endogenous variables of communication tools. The difference from other research, this research has additional indicators and variables, consisting of one endogenous variable, six exogenous variables, and seventeen indicators. The endogenous variable is communication tools. As for the exogenous variables.
The variables and indicators will be processed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) within the AMOS 23® Software as the statistical tool to calculate the SEM calculation and provide the result.
5.1 The effect of advertising towards communication tools
Marketing claims that a product is made of environmentally friendly materials or that it is packaged in an environmentally friendly manner are examples of environmental marketing claims. Firms naturally adopt "green" strategies and begin making environmental claims in their advertising campaigns as a result of increased consumer awareness of environmental issues. This is done in order to gain an advantage over their competitors [17]. Environmental (or green) advertising refers to any and all appeals that include ecological, environmental sustainability, or nature-friendly communication that are directed at the needs and desires of customers and stakeholders, as defined by the Environmental Advertising Standards Board. Advertising variables are comprised of three indicators, which are referred to as AD1, AD2, and AD3, respectively. We examine the indicators to see if they are valid and consistent with one another. When the test was completed, the C.R (construct reliability) value was 0.6, which is lower than 0.7, and the AVE (variance-extracted value) was 0.6, which is higher than 0.5, indicating a successful outcome. This result confirmed that the indicators are unreliable, but it also demonstrated that they are valid. For example, advertising has a C.R (critical ratio) of 3,070, which is greater than the consistent value (1.96) and a p-value less than 0.05, according to the results of the hypothesis testing process. It demonstrates that advertising has a significant impact on the use of communication tools (H1).
5.2 The effect of sales promotion towards communication tools
With sales promotion, the goal is to increase the product's appeal and value while decreasing costs. Despite the fact that there are numerous sales promotion options available, immediate price reduction has traditionally been the most widely used. Implementing an effective sales promotion strategy can result in a significant increase in sales in a relatively short period of time. As a result, sales promotion has gained more prominence in the marketplace [18]. Customers can benefit from green advertising by participating in cost-saving promotions in exchange for engaging in pro-social and environmental behavior, or at the very least by expressing an intention to engage in pro-social and environmental behavior. The validity and reliability of the three indicators of sales promotion, which are SP1 and SP2, have been tested for their validity and reliability. C.R (constructive reliability) and AVE (adjusted variance-extracted value) both reach each respected value, with 0.7 being equal to the C.R value and 0.67 being greater than the AVE value, as demonstrated by the results (0.5). It is clear from this result that both the variable and the indicators are reliable and valid. According to the results of the hypothesis test, sales promotion has a critical ratio (C.R.) of 1,646, which is greater than 1,96, and a p-value greater than 0.05. This hypothesis's conclusion demonstrates that sales promotion has no significant impact on communication tools in general (H2).
5.3 The effect of public relation towards communication tools
As has been demonstrated, the industrial sector does not hesitate to remind the public of its contribution to progress through the production of material goods, as well as the economic turmoil that would ensue if this progress were to be slowed by environmental considerations. Contributing to environmental care activities, as well as carrying out environmental care activities, are examples of how green public relations can be used in response to specific events [19]. The reliability and validity of PR1 and PR2 as indicators of public relations have been tested, and the results have revealed that both are correct in terms of reliability and validity. The reliability and validity values are 0.7, which is the same as the defined C.R (construct reliability) value, and the validity value is 0.7 greater than 0.5. For example, advertising has a C.R (critical ratio) of -0.976, which is less than the consistent value (1.96), and its p-value is greater than 0.05, according to the results of the hypothesis testing. It demonstrates that public relations do not have a significant impact on communication tools (H3).
5.4 The effect of direct marketing towards communication tools
Because of the effect that directs marketing has on a client's ability to move, responses to the client's ability to move are obtained. Direct marketing is carried out through the use of advertising media as an intermediary. A client can be reached outside of the sales environment through this point, and as a result, information and communication technologies (ICTs) must be utilized. The final point to make is that responses and actions in response to direct marketing efforts are tracked and measured. It is one of the methods used in marketing, in which a product is made available to the target audience and the message is presented to him or her in an appropriate manner [20]. Direct Marketing variables are denoted by three indicators, which are referred to as DM1, DM2, and DM3, respectively. The validity and reliability of the first test, which is the validity and reliability of the data, have both been shown to be greater than each of the defined values. This value is equal to 0.7 for construct reliability, and the variance-extracted value (AVE) for this variable is 0.66, which is greater than 0.5 for this variable. The fact that the variable is reliable and valid demonstrates that it has good internal consistency. It was discovered that the critical ratio (C.R.) value is -2,328, which is lower than 1,96; however, the p-value is 0.30 0.05, which indicates that the estimation was correct. It demonstrates that direct marketing has a significant impact on the use of communication tools (H4).
5.5 The effect of interactive marketing towards communication tools
When it comes to surviving in the marketplace, interactive marketing is one of the most important concepts for any organization to understand. As a result, it prioritizes the customer and anticipates their requirements [21]. In the context of marketing, interactive marketing refers to the combination of traditional marketing planning and methods of handling consumer relations with new technologies, which allows for the establishment of interactive mutual relations and the attraction of new consumers. The Interactive Marketing variable, which is comprised of three indicators, IM1, IM2, and IM3, has been tested and observed by the researcher in order to determine its effectiveness. It was determined that the indicators were valid but not reliable after they were tested. The outcome of the tests revealed that the indicators were valid but not reliable. The construct reliability (CR) value is less than the defined value of 0.7, and the AVE (variance-extracted value) is greater than 0.5. According to the results of the hypotheses test, the critical ratio (C. R) was 1.96, and the p-value was equal to the defined value of 0.05, which means that the hypothesis was rejected. According to the outcome results, it is possible to conclude that interactive marketing has a significant/positive impact on communication tools (H5).
5.6 The effect of personal selling towards communication tools
Personal selling, also known as face-to-face selling, is described by The Economic Times [22] as a process in which a single person, known as the salesperson, attempts to persuade a customer to purchase a product. This is a promotional technique in which the salesperson employs his or her knowledge, skills, and abilities in an attempt to close a transaction. Personal Selling is comprised of two indicators, which are designated as PS1 and PS2, respectively. In order to determine the validity and reliability of the indicators, they are tested. When the test was completed, the C.R (construct reliability) value was 0.6, which is lower than 0.7, and the AVE (variance-extracted value) was 0.6, which is higher than 0.5, indicating a successful outcome. This result confirmed that the indicators are unreliable, but it also demonstrated that they are valid. For example, advertising has a C.R (critical ratio) of 3,723, which is greater than the consistent value (1.96) and a p value less than 0.05, according to the results of the hypothesis testing process. It demonstrates that personal selling has a statistically significant/positive impact on communication tools (H6).
The results of the research that have been conducted produce conclusions and suggestions that must be given for the continuation of future research. Based on the research that has been done to produce conclusions that answer the research objectives. Then it can be concluded that: (1) The conceptual model design is built based on the hypothesis testing for all six variables. The model consists of two types of variables; six variables considered as an exogenous variable are Advertising, Sales Promotion, Public relations, Direct Marketing, Interactive Marketing, and Personal Selling, whereas the endogenous variable is communication tools. (2) The relationship between exogenous variables, endogenous variables, and its indicators can be identified through a significant hypothesis test. In this research, the result of the test shows that H1, H4, H5, and H6 are accepted. The four variables are Advertising, Direct Marketing, Interactive Marketing, and Personal Selling. To iteratively improve the conceptual model that has been developed. The limitation of this research is the focus on green marketing in the discussion of communication tools and research is carried out based on the conceptual model that has been built. Further study is required to simulate the correlations between relevant variables and indicators in order to establish a consistent brand trust value. This research has the potential to increase scientific understanding. Additionally, this research can serve as a tip for corporate actors who employ green marketing strategies to raise customer knowledge of environmental issues.
The authors would like to acknowledge the Faculty of Technology Management and Technopreneurship, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Malaysia; Faculty of Economics and Business of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta. for providing all facilities to support in this study. The authors are very thankful to reviewers for their valuable feedback and comment to improve the contents of this article.
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