Sustainability Gastronomy Tourism in Medan City

Sustainability Gastronomy Tourism in Medan City

Amelda Pramezwary Diena M. Lemy JulianaNova Bernedeta Sitorus Anwari Masatip Femmy Indriany Dalimunthe Liyushiana Dewi Yanti 

Hospitality Management, School of Hospitality & Tourism, Pelita Harapan University, Tangerang 15811, Indonesia

Masters of Tourism, School of Hospitality & Tourism, Pelita Harapan University, Tangerang 15811, Indonesia

Postgraduate Program, Politeknik Pariwisata Medan, Medan 20371, Indonesia

Tourism Destination Program, Politeknik Pariwisata Medan, Medan, 20371, Indonesia

Corresponding Author Email:
5 February 2022
30 March 2022
5 April 2022
Available online: 
2 June 2022
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This research aims to find out how the current profile of tourism in Medan City is and how is the sustainable development gastronomic tourism in Medan City at this time. The method used by the researcher in this study is qualitative method with observation, interview method: The interviews that will be conducted in this study are interviews with key informants, namely the management of gastronomic tourism in the city of Medan and several stakeholders related to the development of culinary tourism in the city of Medan. Medan, literature study method, documentation method. The objects studied are gastronomic tourism products in the city of Medan the technique sample used convenience sampling. The data analysis technique used in this research is data triangulation. The research results show that the profile of the culinary tourism potential of the city of Medan is: (1) Bolu Meranti, (2) Merdeka Walk, (3) Ramadhan Fair, (4) Bika Ambon, (5) ie Aceh Titi Bobrok, (6) Ucok Durian, (7) Pagaruyung Culinary, (8) Tip Top Restaurant, (9) Ocean Pacific and (10) Amaliun Foodcourt (11) Kesawan Square. This study indicates that the potential for gastronomic tourism in Indonesia is Medan city in general, all of its gastronomic tourism has potential to develop. Meanwhile, the study of Gastronomic Tourism in Medan City is: (1) Developing a Strategy, (2) Sharpening brand power, (3) Promoting Medan Food and Creating the right Route for promotion. This research presents future research directions in the field of sustainable gastronomic tourism.


sustainable gastronomy tourism, gastronomy development, gastronomy potential

1. Introduction

Indonesia is an archipelagic country with many tourist and cultural attractions that spread in every province. North Sumatra is one of the provinces in Indonesia that has attractive tourism potential to visit, and one of them is in the city of Medan. As the provincial capital, the city of Medan is the entrance for tourists to North Sumatra. Guru Patimpus built the city of Medan in 1590 and until now continues to develop into a city that is visited by quite a lot of people. Medan city has several tourist attractions, including religion, culinary, special interests, shopping, MICE (Meeting, Incentive, Conference, Event), and historical and cultural tourism. Various tourist attractions in the city of Medan get quite a lot of attention from tourists. This can be seen from the number of tourist visits to Medan from year to year. Data obtained from the Medan City Tourism Office shows an increase in tourist visits from year to year, wherein 2015 tourist visits reached 205,926 people, in 2016 it reached 261,736 people, in 2017 it reached 270,792 people. However, in 2018 the number of tourists who came to Medan decreased, namely as many as 231,465 people (visit data cannot be completed until now because they have not conducted a site survey). The gastronomic offering of a destination can be considered as one of the most important elements of country recognition and identification in terms of tourism and hospitality [1]. The relationship between tourism and food consumption is called food culinary tourism, or gastronomic tourism [2, 3] Globally, food and tourism are increasingly being combined and the development of gastronomy as a tourism product is becoming a trend these days. Awareness of the importance of food as a heritage component in tourism continues to grow [4]. The scope of gastronomy does not only describe food and beverages in terms of meeting physiological needs but more deeply examines the regional culinary point of view as a cultural aspect as well as an asset for the region in developing the tourism industry in order to increase the people's economy and regional income [5]. Gastronomy is part of the experience economy [6] Gastronomy is intimately related to hospitality and guest satisfaction [7]. Gastronomy as the science of flavour and tasting [8] (see Figure 1).

Figure 1. Tasty science

Gastronomy is a study that discusses the relationship between cultures in enjoying food and drinks in an area. Gastronomy studies the various components of culture with the culinary center as the center of analysis. Gastronomy explains food and beverages in physiological studies. It examines it from a regional culinary point of view as a cultural aspect and an asset for the region in developing the tourism industry, increasing regional income, and improving people's welfare. In detail, gastronomy is more about starting from appetizers and desserts than the history, origin, raw materials used in these foods. Culinary culture is one area that has been neglected. However, culinary culture has always been part of the longest-lasting culture and traditions. In other words, the cuisine in which the many different identities of a society are joined together and the national feeling is most felt is a reflection of the daily lifestyle, religious beliefs, customs, traditions and customs. Changes in eating styles in society and the increasing social value of eating are one of the reasons for the movement in tourism activities. Gastronomic tourism has become mainstream and has become a component of the attraction of a rapidly growing tourist destination in recent years. Gastronomic tourism marketing opportunities are being developed by countries considering the importance of the issue [9]. Gastronomic tourism is a new concept in the tourism industry that has received little research. Gastronomic tourism has evolved as a result of local food and drink, and food and drink on the go accounts for a significant portion of the tourist expenditure [10]. Gastronomy has now become a fundamental instrument for tourism development in a destination [11, 12]. The Ministry of Tourism established five leading culinary tourism destinations, namely Bandung, Solo, Yogyakarta, Semarang, and Bali. The five destinations are determined based on products and main attractions, product and event packaging, service feasibility, environmental feasibility, business feasibility, and the Government's role in culinary development. If you meet these criteria, Medan City can also become one of Indonesia's leading culinary tourism destinations. Therefore, by studying gastronomic tourism in the city of Medan, it can guide how the culinary arts in the city of Medan can develop in the future. This is in line with research [13] showing the results that in culinary development, the menu used is typical of the Tamil Ethnic, the process of introducing this culinary through mass media and social media, the culinary offerings are mostly Tamil and some are typical of the city of Medan and the region. and the existence of tourism in the city of Medan, this has become one of the factors supporting the development of culinary as a culinary tourism location used in the introduction of Tamil ethnic identity to the community. The same thing was also researched [14] showing that efforts to preserve culinary arts by building local branding are the driving force for local governments to make tofu products as culinary tourism and create the concept of culinary tourism as local cultural tourism.

Figure 2. Gastronomy field

According to Ref. [8] Gastronomy is a versatile science and the researcher share about the gastronomy field as follows: (see Figure 2).

Gastronomy Hospitality mission: initiating research that gives better insights in the factors that influence appreciation of foods and beverages.

Gastronomy Sustainability mission: contributing to research that involves the future of (organic) food in hospitality and health care.

Gastronomy Local food tourism economy mission: strengthening the position of local foods both with an eye to production and use on a regional and a national level.

Gastronomy Health healthy ageing mission: show that tasty food will result in lower health care costs.

The focus on satisfied customers makes that gastronomy is strongly related to management.

To preserve the culinary arts in Indonesia, especially in the city of Medan, the steps that must be taken are to maintain, utilize and develop the culinary. By retaining the culinary of the archipelago in its original form when viewed from the presentation, taste, shape, and texture components. By utilizing it related to specific needs and developing the culinary of the archipelago by adding and enriching new ideas or ideas to be promoted to foreign countries so that they can become one of the tourist attractions in a tourist destination. This is supported by research [15] showing that every restaurant must organize a culinary business as a culinary tourism destination, especially in Medan. It is attractive and liked by consumers who visit the place- taste, price, and where to eat influence purchasing decisions in the culinary business.

The development of culinary tourism in the city of Medan is a good step. There are several reasons culinary tourism can be developed in the town of Medan; the first is due to the increasing public interest in local culinary delights. This condition is supported by the expanding number of programs on television and YouTube that provide information about regional cuisines. Secondly, there is a tendency to increase the number of foreign tourists who come to visit the city of Medan and the increasing number of typical foods from the city of Medan and food from other innovations in the culinary field developed by the people of Medan.

The development of the culinary industry in the city of Medan is not without reason. One of the factors that encourage the development of the culinary industry in Medan is a large number of immigrants from various regions who work in the city of Medan. This is supported by research [16] showing the results that the culinary industry in Ubud is proliferating, and increasing tourist satisfaction is influenced by cultural preservation efforts carried out by restaurants and small restaurants in Ubud. The same thing was also investigated by [17], showing that taste/quality value, health value, price value, emotional value, and prestige value positively affect tourists' attitudes towards local food.

Thus, one of the factors that can attract tourists to culinary tours according to Refs [18-23] diversity of culinary activities in an area ,Typical food from an area, Traditional, national and international, products Comfortable and clean , location Unique room design and attractive , environment,, Good service , Competitive market , Price and value proportion, opportunities, Cultural and culinary interactions Family, the atmosphere that visitors can feel, How to make food as an attraction or attraction for tourists.

From the several factors above, in this case, especially in development, culinary tourism in the city of Medan seems to have become a priority in gastronomic tourism, this is because the field has the potential to develop Medan offerings as a tourist attraction that can attract visiting tourists both domestic and foreign tourists. This, according to research [24] shows the results that the factors involved in tourists' decisions to consume local food in a destination, the Government creates additional job opportunities, increases tax revenues that help local communities, and increases consumption of local food, products, and services. This is different from research [25] which shows that there is no impact of memorable local food at a tourist destination on consumer intentions to share and motivate others to try local food. Still, there is a significant impact on good memories on consumers' preferences to use the food that is consumed. the same and the cooking style in their home and looking for the same food in their home country.

The phenomenon that exists in the city of Medan, as explained by the Head of the Medan Tourism Office, explained that the dishes in Medan have their own uniqueness because they make other regional specialties famous with Medan icons, including Bika Ambon, Medan durian, Medan coffee, or Medan anchovy. Production is from districts in North Sumatra and even other provinces. In this case, Medan dishes gave birth to some names for typical Indonesian foods, including Padang satay, martabak Bangka, Aceh noodles, and Bika Ambon. Besides Medan, it has also become famous for Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Indian food. Thus, the Mayor of Medan, established a new brand for Medan as the Asian Kitchen that illustrates the strength of Medan's dishes. Bika Ambon has long been a popular destination for both local and international visitors to Medan [26].

However, in developing culinary tourism, to create gastronomic tourism, it is necessary to propose several solutions, such as research conducted by Ref. [27] showing the results that there are several solutions to develop gastronomic tourism, including food mapping, organizing food-related events, gastro diplomacy, physical facilities, and increasing awareness to master foreign languages.

Therefore, the city of Medan already has gastronomy. Still, it remains only to develop it by promoting or making it viral on social media, to attract visiting tourists, both domestic and foreign tourists.

The formulation of the problem in this research is:

1. What is the Profile of Tourism in Medan City?

2. How is the sustainable development Gastronomic Tourism in Medan City?

This study aims to find out how the current profile of tourism in Medan City is and how is the sustainable development gastronomic tourism in Medan City at this time.

2. Literature Review

2.1 Gastronomy

The word gastro is derived from the Greek words "gastros" for stomach and "gnomos" for science or law. Aside from gastronomy, the term culinary refers to a country or location associated with a dish, food, or food preparation technique [28] and is commonly used in gourmet literature. Furthermore, culinary refers to materials, prepared food, drinks, manufacturing processes, and activities [29] Culina is a Latin word that meaning kitchen or cooking and is also used officially, food, and dish [30]. Gastronomy encompasses not just food but also beverages [31]. Gastronomy plays a vital role in increasing tourist attraction in an area, increasing the number of tourists, improving the tourist experience, strengthening regional identity, and stimulating the growth of other sectors. Culinary tourism according to the Global Report and Food Tourism is a culinary segment that is growing rapidly at this time so that all tourism industry players in each country must have a contribution in developing culinary tourism both locally, regionally and on a national scale [32].

The development of culinary tourism can be called gastronomy that. Gastronomic tourism is one way to preserve culture in an area through food and drinks. Another scope of gastronomic tourism is the relationship between the cultural component and food as its center. The scope of gastronomy does not only look at food from cultural understanding but also how the culture contained in the food can survive and benefit the region. Different countries use different terms to link food to tourism. Concepts such as culinary tourism, culinary tourism and gastronomic tourism are used interchangeably [33, 34].

The characteristics of gastronomic tourism are as follows [5, 35] gastronomy as an element and indicator of globalization, tourists play a role in the evolution of gastronomic, tourism as a contributor in developing or renewing national identity, gastronomic tourism as a means of introducing culinary products as cultural products, the expansion of gastronomic tourism provides a direction for tourism development, gastronomy as a constructive element in the formation of an image in tourist destinations , as a tourist travel destination ,as an element of heritage with a tourism dimension.

Gastronomy tourism, often known as culinary tourism, is a type of tourism that makes a significant contribution to travel motivation and behavior by providing a unique food and beverage experience [36].

2.2 Culinary tourism

Culinary tourism is part of a tourist attraction that cannot be separated when tourists visit a place. Culinary is one way to introduce the uniqueness of a tourist area [5]. Even culinary can create a unique atmosphere that makes tourists who have visited the area not forget the local culture, location, and food in the region [37, 38].

Food tourism consists of three types, among others [39] travel includes appreciation and consumption of local/regional food, travel has the primary purpose of having experiences and enjoying food and drinks or attending events related to culinary activities, unique eating and drinking experience.

According to Ignatov and Smith, culinary tourism is a tourist trip that involves the purchase consumption of local food at a tourist destination. It focuses on initiating a tourist experience through culinary arts [2] Memories of food and drink contribute to travel motivation and behavior and influence the tourist experience and perception of a tourist destination. This affects the experience gained during the trip.

2.3 Sustainable gastronomy

Tourism activities cannot be separated from food and drinks. Food has a very important role for humans. In food is defined as all kinds of substances that provide essential nutrients for humans to survive and develop the body. Tourists consciously know that food is more than just a basic need for survival, food is a cultural artifact with many aspects that can be enjoyed. Furthermore, from food we can identify a cultural identity of a community. 

When tourists become interested in experiencing and consuming local food products that are characteristic of the destinations they visit, mutual benefits occur where cultural, social and economic exchanges are formed into an experience. According to some experts, this activity is a form of food tourism [40].

Lifestyle superior. In the dictionary Encyclopedia Britannica, gastronomy is defined as a form rather than the art of choosing, preparing, serving, and enjoying delicious food. The term Culinaria or culinary is often equated with gastronomy [10].

Food or culinary tourism has developed in Indonesia, which appears when people start to lack time to cook but have a desire and interest in food as a form of experience to fill their spare time so that they spend their free time eating outside the home coming to food festivals., learn how to cook local food, as well as other activities [9].

So culinary or gastronomic tourism can be explained as a tourist activity where there is an opportunity to enjoy food and drinks that make an experience where experience becomes motivation and behavior to travel.

Furthermore, food for sustainable tourism development has a close relationship with multilevel linkages.

1. The increased consumption of local cuisine by tourists has a multiplier effect that benefits the local economy. Local raw materials generated by a region will give more job opportunities for local residents when demand for local food indirectly raises the demand for raw materials. It does a good job of supplying local food goods. In addition, local resources will be provided to support local food production.

2. When tourists eat local cuisine, they are indirectly reducing their carbon footprint, which is an environmental consequence of food being disseminated throughout the world utilizing polluting modes of transportation. The statement also aligns with the 17 new sustainable development agendas that world leaders have committed to notably climate action, emphasizes the importance of stakeholders considering how a destination influences climate change, one of which is determined by the carbon footprint.

3. Each tourist location will compete with the others for travelers' attention and visits. A thriving tourist destination will provide a degree of service and high-quality tourism items that will be the mission of every tourist attraction. As a result, each destination will fight to create iconic, where the product becomes a symbol of the tourist destination. As tourist business actors, improving the quality of a goal will immediately help the surrounding community. In terms of money, the district will be compensated for these benefits. People recognize that their culture is their most valuable asset on a social level. The primary capital must protect it until the next generation may experience what they are experiencing now. People will be aware that natural resources, which are also their fundamental capital, will be cared for as well as possible from an environmental standpoint, with a focus on quality.

There is an interesting comment on the relationship between culinary and sustainable tourism in a study completed by Ref. [10]. Popular gastronomic destinations demonstrate a high level of gastronomic patriotism, and also promote a diverse range of local cuisines, develop new gastronomic products, connect gastronomy with local tradition and culture, connect tourism with agriculture and food/beverage processing, have excellent tourism portals, are tourist-friendly, develop synergies, and are managed by professionals.

It may be deduced from this remark that culinary tourism can help to improve local tourism by encouraging local culture. Nonetheless, it will continue to be innovative in order to develop new goods without losing their individuality, expand food component manufacturing, and increase cross-sector synergies. It will be able to adapt to changing circumstances.

Gastronomic tourism has been shown to present findings on environmental and cultural issues in a manner that is consistent with pure economic reasoning. Today, many sustainable ideas and actions are used in the development of global tourism, but the impact is not long-term. Gastronomic tourism is a new type of cultural tourism that aims to meet the needs of a market segment concerned with food supply [41]. The notion that needs to be created is to design a mechanism that will affect the ratio with sustainability in mind, rather than putting pressure on culinary heritage indiscriminately. It's all about debating fresh ideas for attracting tourists and encouraging visitors to participate in the tourist area's cultural life. Cuisine, local products, and other sorts of services and activities that surround it are used to characterize and understand the culture.

2.4 Previous research

This research cannot be separated from previous studies' results as material for comparison and research. The research results used as comparisons cannot be separated from the research topic, namely the study of gastronomic tourism.

Based on the results of research [9] shows that there are valid results regarding potential gastronomic data. Then it can provide alternative routes for gastronomic tourism, as expected, and make it easier for unique interest tourists to enjoy gastronomic tourist destinations in the city of Ternate.

Previous research also conducted by Ref. [42] examined the conceptual review of gastronomic tourism, showing that gastronomic tourism depends on empirical arguments and the complexities associated with the concept. In this case, in line with the idea, it is revealed that the concept of gastronomic tourism concerning various related sub-components and their impact on branding and the challenges faced by gastronomic tourism.

Research conducted by Ref. [43] examined Gastronomy in Tourism showed that tourism business actors realized the importance of gastronomic tourism provided by local and foreign tourists and displayed gastronomic factors in their facilities. Therefore, it is ensured to pay attention to gastronomy; tourism must be managed in coordination with all tourism-related foundations and civil society organizations and with the encouragement of the relevant ministries. In addition, promotional activities must also be carried out measurably by gastronomic tourism developers.

Food is always more regarded as a tool to attract tourists. Study [44] the results that in classifying culinary tourism in Southeast Asia, there are three points of view, namely the macro level, micro-level, and consumers.

Research [45] showing the results that entrepreneurs in the culinary tourism sector by developing strategies to increase the value of a culinary tourism service product and provide benefits for the development of halal culinary tourism and assist the City Government South Tangerang in developing halal culinary tourism. The mission of gastronomy is to get a better understanding of why foods and beverages are liked. Liking adds value to the tasting experience [46].

Local gastronomy faithfully reflects cultural and historical heritage an area. In tasting specialty products and dishes, and in obtaining mentioned culinary experience, one can broaden one's knowledge of destination visited [47].

Food is one of the fundamental parts of culture, which is becoming increasingly significant in tourism. Tourists like native cuisine, particularly products of a regional or ethnic origin [48]. Gastronomy has the potential to enhance tourism, and countries with a gastronomic heritage should assess it and incorporate it into tourist offerings by creating a gastronomic brand for the region or country. A gourmet tourism development plan should be in place for each country. Gastronomic tourism should help to the achievement of long-term development objectives [49].

3. Methods

This research adopted the qualitative research approach and exploratory research. The study was carried out by convening online focus groups and gathering information on a specific situation through group conversations. The following preparations are required for conducting a focus group discussion: creating a team, selecting and arranging a location, preparing logistics, determining the number of participants, and recruiting people. Qualitative research is a way for investigating and comprehending the meanings that some people or groups assign to social or humanitarian issues. This qualitative research approach necessitates significant efforts, such as eliciting questions and procedures from participants, obtaining particular data from them, inductively evaluating data from broad themes, and interpreting the data's significance [50].

The data in this study consisted of primary data and secondary data. Primary data is data taken by researchers directly from research sources. It can be in interviews with authorities in recordings and notes or direct observations made by researchers [50]. The technique sample is used purposive sampling. While secondary data is data obtained by researchers from articles, journals, or sites related to the research conducted [50]. In writing this article, the researcher uses secondary data associated with the theme of the study. Meanwhile, for further investigation, the researcher will conduct direct observations to the research location determined, namely the city of Medan, located in North Sumatra.

The method used by researchers in this study are:

Observations are made intentionally and systematically on the activities of individuals or other objects being investigated. This study uses an open statement where the researcher in collecting data, states to the data source that research is being carried out [50]. The object under study is gastronomic tourism products in Medan City. Interview method: the process of obtaining information for research purposes utilizing question and answer while face to face between the researcher and the respondent [50] The interviews that will be conducted in this research are interviews with key informants, namely the management of gastronomic tourism in Medan and several stakeholders related to the development of culinary tourism in the city of Medan. Literature study is a data collection technique by conducting a review study of books, pieces of literature, notes, and reports that have to do with the problem being solved - documentation method: a record of events that have passed [50] Documents used in this research can be in photos, pictures, videos, or data documented in various forms.

The data analysis technique used in this research is data triangulation. Data is collected from various sources, including informants with the following steps: data reduction – data display – draw conclusions/data verification. While the validity of the data can be determined by checking or comparing with the same pattern. Data checking consisted of source triangulation, technique triangulation and time triangulation [50].

4. Analysis and Findings

4.1 Profile of tourism in Medan

City Medan city has 35 tourist objects which are grouped into 5 five categories, namely Natural Tourism, Culture, Crafts, Culinary and Recreation, of which there are four leading tourist objects whose development and management are fostered and accompanied by the Medan City Government through the Medan City Culture and Tourism Office. The four leading tourist attractions are Maimoon Palace, Al-Mahsun Grand Mosque, Crocodile Farming Crocodile Park, and Tjong A Fie's House.

The city of Medan has several tourism potentials and interesting tourist objects. This can be seen in the table below (see Table 1).

Table 1. Tourism potential and tourism objects in Medan city


Tourism Potential Tourism



Religious Tourism

Great Mosque

of Immanuel Church

Shri Mariamman

Graha Maria Annai Velangkani

Vihara Gunung Timur


Culinary Tour

Bolu Meranti

Merdeka Walk

Ramadhan Fair

Bika Ambon

ie Aceh Titi Bobrok

Ucok Durian

Culinary Pagaruyung

Tip Top Restaurant

Ocean Pacific

Amaliun Foodcourt

Based on the table above, the author can explain that Medan City has tourism potential, namely religious and culinary tourism. Religious tourism consists of (1) Grand Mosque, (2) Immanuel Church, (3) Shri Mariamman Temple, (4) Graha Maria Annai Velangkani, and (5) Gunung Timur Vihara. While culinary tourism consists of: (1) Bolu Meranti, (2) Merdeka Walk, (3) Ramadhan Fair, (4) Bika Ambon, (5) i.e., Aceh Titi Bobrok, (6) Ucok Durian, (7) Culinary Pagaruyung, (8) Tip Top Restaurant, (9) Ocean Pacific and (10) Amalion Foodcourt. Thus, Medan City has become widely known as an industrial, trade, hotel, and restaurant area; therefore, Medan City has assets that can be developed into gastronomic tourism.

Culinary Tourism can be a tourist destination that meets human needs for vacations, enjoying food and drinks, relaxing, and resting from all daily activities in the city. The uniqueness and harmonization of tastes, historical stories, cultural values, and philosophies stored in a bowl of Bubur Ase are strengths that can be developed and promoted [51].

Based on the researchers' results conducted in Medan City, Medan City already has a potential profile for culinary tourism. In this case, the writer can conclude that Medan City can already develop gastronomic tourism. Because the city of Medan has several culinary tours consisting of: (1) Bolu Meranti, (2) Merdeka Walk, (3) Ramadhan Fair, (4) Bika Ambon, (5) Noodle Aceh Titi Bobrok, (6) Ucok Durian, (7) Pagaruyung Culinary, (8) Tip Top Restaurant, (9) Ocean Pacific and (10) Amaliun Foodcourt, (11) Kesawan Square. So, therefore, it is sure to be developed into gastronomic tourism.

4.2 Sustainable development gastronomic tourism in Medan city

City Government has assessed that Medan City can be a gastronomic tourism destination, because the capital city of North Sumatra is already well-known as a culinary tourism area. In this case, to become a culinary tourism, you only need to continue to learn and focus on gastronomic tourism destinations (Head of the Medan Tourism Office, Agus Suriyono, 2/11/20210). However, when it comes to culinary, of course, it cannot be separated from the discussion with various stakeholders to get valuable inputs to make Medan a gastronomic tourism destination and get even more superior with its tourism offerings. There are several studies on gastronomic tourism in the city of Medan, namely:

Developing a strategy is to establish a long-term competitive advantage. In this case, to optimize the development of gastronomic tourism in Medan and determine programs to preserve culinary arts.

As, we want the city of Medan with its culinary potential of course to have advantages, uniqueness, therefore, we must explore the culinary development potential of the city of Medan as a tourist attraction that can attract visiting tourists from domestic tourists and foreign tourists, so that they can contribute maximally. to regional and national tourism.

It can be concluded that in developing the culinary potential that exists in the city of Medan, namely by starting to develop a strategy, it is one way to optimize the development of gastronomic tourism in the city of Medan and by determining programs to preserve culinary arts, so that by developing this culinary tourism, the people in Indonesia can prosper. As from the Cooperative Service, through its MSMEs, the Indonesian people can prosper. This is following research [48] showing that good synergy is needed between MSME actors who are members of ASMAMINDA so that gastronomic tourism can attract tourists to the city.

Sharpening brand power is the process of building an emotional connection through first experiences with excellent products. In this case, promoting the brand power of Medan City is viral. As explained by Mr. Indra Ketaren in discussions with several stakeholders, explained that:

When we talk about culinary in Medan, there are only two formulas: delicious. It can be said that the culinary arts of the city of Medan are like a melting pot of all culinary, cultural civilizations in Indonesia. Such as those from Java, Minangkabau, Riau, Jambi, Bengkulu, Bali and so on. Even foods from outside or Peranakan cuisine or ethnic immigrants such as China, Arabia, India, etc. Everything is in Medan. Hence, the culinary scene in Medan City can be called the nation's culinary melting pot that represents all the culinary delights in this country and is undoubtedly delicious.

From the discussions with Mr. Indra Ketaren, it can be concluded that in developing gastronomic tourism, namely by sharpening the brand power of Medan City, it is vital as a culinary tourism destination and gastronomic tourism. In this case, the culinary in the city of Medan has no comparison with the culinary in other regional cities, because the culinary in the city of Medan represents all the hot kitchens in Indonesia.

Thus, the Brand power of the city of Medan as a culinary city already exists by itself without the need to be promoted intensively. Still, in the interests of Indonesian tourism in the future, it should be treated to sharpen the nickname and brand image in national and foreign media so that the culinary and gastronomic brand power of the city of Medan can be built by becoming a soft power of culinary tourism and gastronomic tourism in the city of Medan. This is following research conducted by Ref. [44] showing the results that the collaborative efforts of various stakeholders, thereby positively influencing the role played by local food in tourism and society as a whole, as in food, in particular native food, in destination and tourism marketing. The same thing was also researched by Ref. [48] showing the results that in increasing Indian tourism, namely by promoting its food and culture.

Promoting typical food is one of the crucial factors in the journey of a culinary business. Implementing an effective strategy in promoting the sold culinary products can have a tremendous impact. In this case, by making the typical Medan food viral, such as the explanation given by Chef. Mr. Melki said that in developing culinary superior culinary or gastronomic products in Medan City, explained that:

In my opinion, it is miserable that in this city of Medan, we do not understand the history of our food, so we are still in the scope of culinary tourism yet to enter into gastronomy. There is a lot of gastronomic potential in North Sumatra, especially in Medan, where there is a melting pot of 28 ethnic groups that have joined in the city of Medan. One of them, the savory rice breakfast is actually not native to Medan, usually most of the people are mixed, some are from Aceh, and even some of our Chinese friends also sell savory rice. Therefore, it has not led to gastronomy but still has potential in culinary tourism.

Based on the results of discussions with Chef. Mr. Melki can conclude that in developing gastronomic tourism in Medan City, namely, promoting Medan Special Food. The city of Medan has enormous potential for culinary tourism, so stakeholders hope that Medan City can be used as a discourse that can be raised or made more viral about Medan specialties.

This is following research conducted by Ref. [47] showing the results that there are similar goals between culinary tourism and gastronomic tourism; it can be seen that food and beverages have been identified as an essential role among motivational factors to visit a destination. The same thing was also researched by Ref. [49], showing that gastronomy can promote tourism, and countries with a gastronomic heritage should evaluate it and incorporate it into tourism offerings by creating a gastronomic brand of the region or country.

This was also investigated by Ref. [41] showing that several factors motivate tourists to consume local food in a destination, including taste quality, traditional, appearance, price, and variety of food. Food and drinks play an important role, including motivational factors for visiting a destination.

The route in promotion is a beneficial service. This service will make it easier to promote by including a location link. In this case, the Route is divided morning by noon, afternoon by evening, with the target also divided.

As the results of the discussion, explained that the correct Route for the promotion of culinary or gastronomic tourism in Medan City is a route that is divided into two, such as morning before noon, the afternoon before night with the target also being divided. Is the target tourists halal or non-halal tourists. Because Medan is the same as Singapore, like Malaysia, they are a melting pot city with 28 ethnicities to accommodate the demand for halal culinary and non-halal culinary.

The research can be concluded that in developing gastronomic tourism, namely by making the correct Route for promotion. In this case, a route can be designed to become a culinary tourism route or gastronomic tour. This is supported by research conducted [52] showing the results that tourist attractions and their potential in representing the identity of a region, especially food, are seen from food, culture, traditions, and local wisdom. This, also researched [53], shows the results that provide an integrative review in developing a model that explains the strategic role of gastronomy in tourism destinations. The same thing was also researched by Ref. [41] showing the results that developing gastronomic tourism should improve towards providing exemplary service to visitors, identification of new attractions, as well as timely marketing and promotion—current gastronomic offerings.

The proposed research model represents a phenomenon for specific research objects, namely Gastronomy tourism in Medan city. This model will then be empirically tested in order to be used in future studies. (See Figure 3).

Figure 3. Proposed model

5. Conclusions

The conclusions of this study are: the profiles of the culinary tourism potential of the city of Medan are (1) Bolu Meranti, (2) Merdeka Walk, (3) Ramadhan Fair, (4) Bika Ambon, (5) noodles Aceh Titi Bobrok, (6) Ucok Durian, (7) Culinary Pagaruyung, (8) Tip Top Restaurant, (9) Ocean Pacific and (10) Amalion Food court. (11). Kesawan Square. So from this profile, it is sure to be developed into gastronomic tourism. The sustainable gastronomic development in Medan City is developing a Strategy, sharpening brand power, promoting Medan local food, and creating the right Route for promotion. When tourists cocreate/prepare their meals with local inhabitants, food tourism activities including active engagement in more informal surroundings enhance the culinary experience of tourists. Suggestion for this research is local food in Medan City should be used as a highlight in the tour packages offered to tourists so that local food can become a potential for gastronomic tourism for tourists. It should be to increase knowledge related to the gastronomic aspect to the community, so that they know where the local food came from, making it a plus for a tourist attraction. This research presents future research directions in the field of sustainable gastronomic tourism.


The author would like to thank LPPM Pelita Harapan University for providing the opportunity to conduct this research (Grant No.: P-040-FPar/II/2020).


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