Thermal and hydraulic characteristics of turbulent nanofluid flow in a semicircle zigzag corrugated channel are numerically investigated by implementing the finite volume method (FVM) to describe the governing equations. Adiabatic condition for the straight walls, constant heat flux for the corrugated walls, and zigzag configuration of semicircle corrugated channel was examined. The performance of a semicircle zigzag corrugated channel with four types of nanofluids (ZnO, Al2O3, CuO, and SiO2), with four various nanoparticle volume fractions of 2%, 4%, 6% and 8% using water as base fluid is thoroughly analyzed and discussed. The nanoparticles diameter, another parameter taken into consideration, varied from 20 to 80 nm. Results show that the zigzag profile of semicircle corrugated channel has a great impact on the thermal performance compared with flat profile. The Nusselt number dropped as the nanoparticle diameter grew; however, it grew as the volume fraction of nanoparticles and Reynolds number increased. In addition, semicircle corrugated channel shows improvement in heat transfer of 1.5-2.7 times better than flat channel, with increase in the average Nusselt number of 170%. The present investigation uncovers that these semicircle zigzag corrugated channels have favorable circumstances by utilizing nanofluids, which leads to promote the thermal performance of thermal devices and make it more compact.
heat transfer enhancement, turbulent flow, semicircle-corrugated channel, nanofluids, zigzag profile
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