Hybrid photovoltaic/thermal collectors (PV/T) usually consist of common photovoltaic modules cooled by a suitable fluid, and convert solar radiation simultaneously into both thermal and electric energy. The heat transfer between PV cells and cooling fluid allows lowering the temperature of the PV cells, thus improving their efficiency; it also generates low-grade heat made available for specific applications. As a consequence, PV/T modules have a very interesting overall energy efficiency.
In this paper, the Second Law analysis of a water-cooled PV/T module is discussed; the study aims to underline one main drawback for the optimal exploitation of such a technology: the electricity production from PV cells increases at low temperatures, whereas the usability of the thermal energy is higher at high temperatures.
The results may allow a real optimization of PV/T collectors, and lead to the definition of those operational conditions that maximize the total exergy harvested by the system.
PV panels, mathematical modeling, heat recovery, exergy efficiency
This research has been developed in the framework of the industrial research project on “New Photovoltaic Technologies for Intelligent Systems Integrated in Buildings” (PON 01_01725), financed by the Italian National Program on Research and Competitiveness 2007-2013.
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