Knowledge of thermophysical properties is a major challenge to the numerical modeling of heat transfer in liquids. In the present paper, a novel experimental technique is implemented to measure these characteristics. This technique consists on exciting the front face of a three layered sample with a crenel heat flux and measuring the temperature response on the rear face. The three layered sample is formed by a Teflon cell filled with liquid and covered by two copper layers on its front and rear faces.
A 1D dimensional model is developed to simulate conductive heat transfer in the sample. The thermophysical parameters are estimated by minimizing the OLS norm referring to the difference between calculated temperatures and the measured signal. This minimization is performed by the Gauss-Newton method. The effective thermal conductivity and the biot number are estimated for two different liquids. The parameter uncertainty is analyzed and a good agreement with literature values is obtained.
liquids, conductive heat transfer, thermal characterization, parameter estimation, photothermal technique.
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