Due to the persistently high frequency of flood-related disasters, which are exacerbated by the on-going effects of climate change, the impacts of flooding on cities and towns can be devastating and deadly, resulting in the need to design and assessment of flood protection object (FPO). In their preparation, implementation, evaluation and authorization it is necessary to ensure consistent application of the environmental impact assessment (EIA). This paper explores the benefits of using the risk assessment/ analysis technique in the evaluation of FPO by examining the results of the EIA for a selected planned FPO in Slovakia. The methodology consists of three steps: identification, prediction and evaluation of the impacts of flood protection measures on the environment. Risk analysis (RA), based on determination of probability and consequences, is an appropriate tool to determine the level of the risk of the proposed flood mitigation measures and through which it is possible to choose the alternative with the lowest level of risk for the environment. This paper introduces an application of a new approach for risk assessment of actions in water management (FPO projects) using risk analysis method – universal matrix of risk analysis (UMRA) and matrix of qualitative and semi-quantitative assessment. Analysis and evaluation of environmental impacts of FPO in Snakov village on the environment prove that construction of polder is better alternative for flood protection of village than water course regulation.
environmental impact assessment (EIA), flood protection objects (FPO), risk analysis (RA), universal matrix of risk analysis (UMRA)
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