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In this Short Communication, it is presented a hypothesis of therapy, which could reveal useful to treat Covid-19 patients, especially those in a very serious condition, like in “phase 3” of the disease. The therapy presented is not based on a pharmaceutical approach but just on a physical one. The therapy itself is not considered here to be a way to fully recover from Covid-19, but as a technique to avoid the patients' death, thus making of Covid-19 a non-lethal disease. Being a hypothesis, even if extremely rational, the therapy proposed will, nevertheless, need a deep and careful experimental verification before it can be applied to humans.
Covid-19, SARSCOV-2, physical therapy, death prevention
A few important preconditions underlie the hypothesis here presented:
In the cases of Covid-19 where the disease has heavily attacked the lungs (especially in “phase 3” of the disease), with breathing complications and/or insurgence of interstitial pneumonia, we could plan the introduction, in the body of the patient, of a “far UV-C” rays probe, proceeding from the throat and reaching the lungs via a technique of “intubation” which is well known to Anesthetist M. Doctors. Moreover, with the modern LED technologies, such probes could be realised of various dimensions (suggested by the M. Doctors), shape (presumably cylindrical) and material consistence (presumably not-rigid). Once the probe has been located as close as possible to the lungs, it would be switched on the emission of “far UV-C” rays, to act on the pulmonary region, and to cancel or at least reduce the viral charge present there. In any case, this could be applied to a patient just after having reckoned in laboratory the least time of exposition to the “far UV-C” rays which is necessary to kill completely the SARSCOV-2 or anyway to reduce its presence to a percentage enough low to significantly help the patient's Immune System and the other medical therapies to act efficiently and save a life.
This Short Communication presents a hypothesis of therapy to treat Covid-19 patients, especially those in “phase 3” of the disease. The therapy is based on the application of “far UV-C” rays to the patient's lungs, via a suitable probe inserted by “intubation” in the patient's body throat, to be then located as close as possible to the lungs. A few decisive preconditions have been discussed and the therapy has been outlined. The therapy proposed here is not based on a pharmaceutical approach but on a physical one. Not to generate misunderstandings, the aim of this therapy is not to letting a patient fully recovering from Covid-19, but to avoid the his/her death, so transforming Covid-19 in a non-lethal disease. Deep and careful experimental verification will be, anyway, necessary before the therapy described can be directly applied to people.
The author of this Short Communication, Giulio Lorenzini, wishes to thank warmly M. Doctor Manuela Campesato, from Anaesthesia and Pain Therapy Unit “Melotti”, Emergency and Urgency Department, St.Orsola-Malpighi General Hospital, Bologna, Italy, for having given the first positive authoritative Medical opinion about the therapy proposed by the author, without which the author himself would not have had enough courage to go ahead proposing the present study!
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