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The present study is focused on the application of phase-field modelling techniques to fracture simulation in laminated glass samples under bending. A damage model using a phase-field formulation of fracture is introduced and applied to three-layer laminated glass samples. The identification of material parameters of polymer foils and glass is also provided, based on a combined experimental and numerical analysis. Specifically, the results of small scale testing and the calibration of the constitutive models of polymer interlayers are discussed in connection to ethylen-vinyl acetate and polyvinyl butyral foils. The statistical data obtained by the evaluation of tensile strength of glass samples are used for the formulation of the tensile stress criterion. Therefore, a generalisation of the energetic formulation of phase-field models towards the stress-based criterion is employed here to simulate the fracture behaviour of laminated glass. The experimentally measured data are compared with the numerically derived response using the extreme values of tensile strength obtained. Then, the fracture response is analysed for one sample to support the proposed computational model and material parameters.
Annealed glass, ethylen-vinyl acetate, heat-strengthened glass, laminated glass, phase-field damage model, polyvinyl butyral, rheometer, tensile strength in bending
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