Mob:Om: A Multifunctional Prefabricated and Flexible Module

Mob:Om: A Multifunctional Prefabricated and Flexible Module

P. De Berardinis C. Marchionni L. Capannolo

Department of Civil, Building-Architecture and Environmental Engineering (DICEAA), University of L’Aquila, Italy

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The current return to a logic of movement implied in human behavior and contemporary society, less static than previous generations, involves that modern architecture, in its innumerable fields of application. An effect of this is a change in the design logic of the modern construction  to satisfy the requirement of the end-users of architecture more flexible and adaptable, as temporary.

The project Mob:om is a part of that, a prefabricated multifunctional module responsive to multiple needs, both functionally and dimensionally. The design concept is based on the realization of a product that, starting from the idea of a furniture, as an object container, arrives to the one of the building container of function, with the same design logic. The Mob:oM, in fact, is designed as a wooden structure that is able to hold itself and its structural, finishing and furnishing elements. It is a flexible and modular building structure whose basic module can be aggregated to other ones, allowing the growth in size, according to the spatial and functional requirements of the users: temporary events, fairs, tourist and emergency residences, exhibition stands. It is also suitable for a controlled disassembly through removable modular components: in fact, on the basis of the concept of flexibility, dry assembly techniques and stratification of constructive components have been used to allow building organism to change itself from the technological, compositive, distributive, functional and performance point of view, according to the needs of the users and the place.

The result is a multifunctional, easy to carry, reversible and modular product, characterized by an innovative design and advanced technological solutions.


dry construction, flexibility, prefabricated modular building, sustainability


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