This work is an experimental study of the dynamic fields of a turbulent premixed methane-air flame in a Bunsen burner. The Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) is used to determine the dynamic fields, and Laser Sheet Tomography (LST) for the flame fronts. The turbulent main jet has a Reynolds number Re = 10 000. Turbulence is generated using perforated grids having three whose provide different inlet turbulence intensities. Velocity fields are measured for various equivalence ratio (F = 0.6–1.3) and different axial flame positions. For the reactive jet, interesting results are obtained concerning the dynamic field and the flame front. It is shown that radial profiles of U and V correspond to the axial positions located before the end of the potential core in the reactive jet. The velocity increases at the jet center to 20 m/s, and is less influenced by turbulent mixing in the flame. The greatest velocity and turbulent kinetic energy are obtained using the grid with the smallest ratio (d/M). Most important values of the radial velocity correspond to the lean flames.
dynamic field, grid turbulence, premixed combustion
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