A blast retrofit technique for concrete structures using carbon fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP) layers was investigated for use in large infrastructure systems with the overarching goal of preventing against major loss of life and considerable damage that would require extensive repair. Large-scale experiments were conducted and the retrofit behavior was investigated for application on relatively large reinforced concrete walls subjected to blast-like loadings. The experimental program utilized the University of California San Diego (UCSD) Blast Simulator. The Blast Simulator is able to induce various blast-like shock waves to the test specimen in a controlled laboratory environment. The performance of this blast retrofit was tested and then analyzed using SDOF and finite element modeling methods. A finite element model was created using LS-DYNA and utilized contact algorithms for the CFRP-concrete interface. Results and comparisons between the two analysis methods are given.
blast, CFRP, finite element, reinforced concrete, SDOF
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