Ecodriving from Processing the Ideal Speed Profile to Its Use During Driving Activity

Ecodriving from Processing the Ideal Speed Profile to Its Use During Driving Activity

Felicitas Mensing Rochdi Trigui Hélène Tattegrain Éric Bideaux 


Ampère-Insa de Lyon


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7 March 2015
| |
4 September 2015
| | Citation



Nowadays, the eco-driving technique represents one possible mean to reduce the energy consumption and the pollutants emission of vehicles. Besides the very low investment needed for such an option, its suitability to be applied even to old vehicles makes its impact important and immediate. The work presented here aims to quantify the potential gain allowable by an eco-driving behavior for a given vehicle using numerical optimization methods (only the case of conventional ICE based vehicle is detailed in this paper). Then, an Advanced Driving Assist System (ADAS) based on the proposed optimization has been designed and tested. The design approach takes into account the different constraints that could appear like the traffic limitation, the safety, the pollution but also those related to the driver’s receptivity and his ability to understand and apply the information given.


eco-driving, vehicles, fuel consumption, assistance system, safety.

1. Introduction
2. Energetic Optimization of the Speed Profile
3. Insertion of Other Constraints
4. Joint ES-HS Design of an Advanced Driver ASSIST System for Eco-driving
5. Conclusions

The authors gratefully thank the French environment and energy Agency ADEME for the funding contribution to this project.


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