Static Magnetometer Suitable for Weakly Permeable Magnetic Fluids

Static Magnetometer Suitable for Weakly Permeable Magnetic Fluids

Highlighting Method of Anisotropy Assessment

Mickaël Petit Afef Kedous-Lebouc Olivier Geoffroy Yvan Avenas Wahid Cherief 

SATIE, ENS Cachan - CNAM - Université de Cergy Pontoise - CNRS UMR8029 61, Avenue du Président Wilson, 94230 Cachan, France

Univ. Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, G2Elab, 38000 Grenoble, France

Corresponding Author Email:; (afef.lebouc; olivier.geofroy; yvan.avenas; wahid.cherief)
4 March 2015
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15 September 2015
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Ferrofluids have a highly nonlinear magnetic behavior. Moreover, their colloidal nature may, in certain circumstances, make anisotropic by forming chains. A fine characterization of these liquids is essential. However, conventional measurement methods, setting in motion the samples tested are ineffective against these materials. The following article highlights a static method to draw the characteristic J(H) of a sample of ferrofluid. It consists in four parts. The first describes the measurement principle and the mathematical method involved. The second part of the article shows how the magnetometer was designed, implemented and calibrated. In the third part, the magnetometer is tested on a solid sample slightly permeable. Down results obtained are compared to measurement by extraction. Finally, a fourth part shows thanks to a numerical simulation that the device is able to highlight the isotropic or anisotropic nature of the test sample.


magnetic characterization of ferrofluids and low permeability materials, instrumentation, magnetometer, static sample

1. Introduction
2. Magnetometer Description
3. Experimental Setup
4. Anisotropy Quantification
5. Conclusion

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