The Study area is located in Arikya Tsauni, in Lafia East Local Government Area of Nassarawa State. Bounded by latitude 080 46ʹ 44 ʺ N to 080 48ʹ 44 ʺ N and longitude 0080 38ʹ 34 ʺ E to 0080 41ʹ 14 ʺ E, it forms part of Wamba sheet 210NW. The study addressed the geology and petrography of the study area. The geological mapping indicated five (5) rock types namely, migmatite, foliated gneiss, granite gneiss, quartzite and pegmatite. The quartzite and pegmatite ridges are striking in NE-SW direction. Petrographic studies showed the presence of the various rock forming minerals which include - plagioclase, quartz, biotite, microcline, hornblende and opaque minerals as observed within the field of view under plane and crossed polarized light. Careful study of the pegmatite in the study area has clearly shown that they are barren. The structural features of the study area were seen as foliation, joints, comb structures, veinlets and faults, where the major structural trends were in the NE-SW, NNE-SSW directions, corresponding to that of the underlying Basement Complex. Economically, the study area portend the ability to host quarries, as the rocks would serve as major source of construction materials.
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