Solar powered drip irrigation in the marriage of two systems that have enormous independent impact. Solar powered pumps save potentially hours of labor daily in rural off-grid areas where water routing in traditionally done by hand by woman. They are durable and immune to fuel shortage and in the medium-to-long-term costs less than traditional diesel powered generators (e.g. Kohle et al. 2002). Automated Drip Irrigation System provides a sustainable solution to workmanship that is needed for flooding irrigation. The use of this photo-irrigation system will be able to contribute to the socio-economic development. It is the proposed solution for the energy crisis for the Indian farmers. This system conserves electricity by reducing the usage of grid power and easy to implement and environment friendly solution for irrigation fields.
Drip irrigation, Solar powered pumps, Solar photovoltaic’s, water pumping system, irrigation, photovoltaic (PV) pumping system
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