Int. Conference in Modeling & Simulation
MS’20DeltaCairo and DU-IECRI
13-15 April 2020, Cairo-Egypt
ABOUT MS’20DeltaCairo & DU-IECRI
The Int. Conference of Modeling & Simulation in Engineering, Economy and Management( MS’20DeltaCairo) is organized by AMSE and Delta University-Egypt in cooperation with IIETA. This conference merges MS’20 with the 1st Int. Eng. Conf. on Research and Innovations organized by Delta University(DU_IECRI) and the venue will be at Intercontinental Semiramis hotel, Cairo- Egypt. 13-15 April 2020. It will provide a forum for researchers, academics and students to discuss, exchange experience and ideas while also presenting novel researches and innovations in modeling and simulations in Engineering, Informatics, Economy and Management. The Conference will provide special sessions for industry and academics collaborations. Awards for best researches by AMSE and also special awards in the name of Dr M. Rabie, Chairman of Board of Trustees, Delta Univ. for best young researchers and students.
Dr-Jaime Gil Aluja: President of AMSE and President of the Spanish Royal Academy
Dr-Mohamed Rabie Naser: Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Delta Univ. Egypt.
Eng.-Osama M. Rabie Naser: Vice-Chairman, Board of Trustees, Delta University, Egypt.
Prof. Yehia El Mashad, President of Delta University, Egypt, Chair
Prof. Anna M. Gil Lafuente, Executive President AMSE, Spain,Co-Chair.
Prof. Nashaat ElKhameesy, Vice-President AMSE, Vice-Chair
Prof. Fahmy ElKholy, Dean of Delta Eng., vice-Chair
Prof. Nashaat ElKhameesy, Vice-President AMSE, Head
Prof. Salah El-Din Taher, Deputy Dean, Engineering, Delta Univ., Coordinator
Prof. Christian Berger-Vachon, Gen. Secretary AMSE, France, Int. Coordinator
Prof. Andrew Zhang, IIETA, Int. Coord.
Tracks & Topics:
1. Recent Innovations in Engineering: Models & Applications:
•Energy, clean & renewable, power Eng.
•Water resources & environment, irrigation Eng., hydraulics.
•Architectural & constructional Eng., Urban planning, smart cities.
•Transportation & Highway Eng.
•Communication & mobile network Eng.
•Control systems & Robotics.
2. Research Innovation in Informatics & Computing:
•AI, experts systems, Business intelligent: Models and applications.
•Mobile-Cloud computing, networking.
•IoT, Virtual reality, smart cities.
•Data warehouse and Big data analytic.
3. Recent Trends & Innovations Models in Business & Economics:
4. Complex Systems Modeling and Simulation: Applications & Case Studies
Researchers and students are invited to submit their extended papers of no more 1200 words. Accepted papers will be published by IIETA journals, Springer and in special issues journals indexed by WoS and Scopus. For authors instructions link to IMPORTANT DATES:
Extended Abstract Jan.15th, 2020
•Acceptance Not. Jan. 30th , 2020
•Regular Paper Feb. 28th , 2020
•Early Registration March 10th, 2020
•Final Paper /Cam. Ready March 20th, 2020
Attendants |
Int. Attend |
Local Attend |
Authors |
USD 350 |
1250 LE |
Students |
USD 150 |
600 LE |
Group up to 5 |
USD 1200 |
5000 LE |
Business Presentations |
USD 1000 |
2000LE |
Further Details Pls Visit Our Site MS20Delta-Iecri