Special Issue
"Transformative Technologies for Sustainable Socio-Economic Development"
Socio-economic development is a multidisciplinary research area, covers a broad range of the spectrum, which includes healthcare, education, urban development, women’s growth, infrastructure development, enterprise planning, supply chain management, and many more. In general, socio-economic development is the process of enhancing the better quality of life to every individual of the society. So that every citizen across the country can reach their full potential, and they collectively perform to transfer a country from the under-developed and developing state into a developed nation. For decades, achieving sustainable socio-economic development across the nations has been a challenging process as they are subject to numerous life-threatening concerns that dynamically fluctuate their socio-economic growth. Population and employment are the two major factors that significantly influence the growth of the economy both from the present as well as the future perspective. Environmental and natural phenomenons such as flood, famine, pandemics, etc. are some of the other concerns, which inhibits the growth of the economy and adversely affect the new normal rates under various circumstances. Hence, a clear understanding of these factors is crucially important.
Thereby enhancing the positive impacts and mitigating the negative influences over the society from the perspective mentioned above has become inevitable. The use of transformative technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, big data analytics, etc. forms the most ideal solution in this aspect. This necessity is because of the reason that it can assist in timely social, political, and economic risk analysis with appropriate solutions. It can also assist in rural and urban development with various community-driven development analysis and strategical measures. Further, through the use of transformative technologies, every nation has the opportunity to grow, develop its citizens, and make them contribute to the development of the economy in a sustainable way irrespective of the barriers. Hence, exploring more in this context has become a vital part of today’s scenario. Against this background, this special issue aims to call for novel and innovative research ideas and methodologies on transformative technologies for sustainable socio-economic development.
The topics of interest for the special issue include, but not limited to the following:
- Recent trends in disruptive technologies such as machine learning and artificial intelligence for socio-economic development
- Sustainable socio-economic development in rural areas with disruptive technologies
- Innovations in disruptive technologies to transfer a low-income economy into a high-income economy
- Advances in technology forecasting for sustainable socio-economic development
- Role of disruptive technologies in employment and demographics analysis
- Disruptive technologies for emerging economies: manifestations, drivers, and implications
- Green strategies with disruptive technologies for sustainable socio-economic development in low-income and high-income economy
- Gender development with disruptive technologies and its impact on socio-economic development
- Enhancing industrial growth with disruptive technologies from the aspect of sustainable socio-economic development
- Policy frameworks and regulatory compliance with disruptive technologies for sustainable socio-economic development
Important Dates:
Submission Deadline of Papers: 31.03.2021
Guest Editor Details:
Dr. S. Balamurugan (Leading Guest Editor)
Director – Research and Development, Intelligent Research Consultancy Services (iRCS), Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
balamurugan@ieee.org, dr.balamurugan@ircsresearch.com, sbnbala@gmail.com
Dr. S.Balamurugan is the Director-Research and Development, Intelligent Research Consultancy Services (iRCS), Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India. He received his B.Tech., M.Tech., and PhD Degrees all in the field of Information Technology from Anna University, India. He has published 45 books, 200+ international journals/conferences and 45 patents to his credit. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the Book Series “Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing for Industrial Transformation”, Scrivener, John Wiley. “Artificial Intelligence an Learning Techniques for Engineering”, Bentham Sciences and “Advances in Quantum Computing, Artificial Intelligence and Data Sciences for Industrial Transformation”, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group. He is the Editor-in-Chief of Information Science Letters, Natural Sciences Publishing, NSP and International Journal of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence, PRIRS, USA. He is Associate Editor of IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems - Oxford University Press, Cluster Computing- Springer, Simulation- Sage Publishing, Technology and Healthcare - IOS Press, World Journal of Engineering - Emerald, International Journal of Intelligent Systems, Technologies and Application - Inderscience, International Journal of Renewable Energy Technology - Inderscience Publishers, Journal of Autonomous Intelligence - Frontier Scientific Publishing. He is also in editorial of International Journal of Intelligent Unmanned Systems, Emerald, International Journal of Automation and Control, Inderscience Publishers, International Journal of Society, Systems and Science, Inderscience Publishers, International Journal of System Dynamics Applications (IJSDA), IGI Global Publishers, International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology, IGI Global Publishers, International Journal of Knowledge and System Sciences, IGI Global Publishers and several other journals of Taylor & Francis, Inderscience, Emerald, IET, MDPI, De Gruyter and Lead Guest Editor of several special issues with Springer, Elsevier and IEEE. He is the recipient of RashtriyaVidhyaGourav Gold Medal Award and The Best Educationalist Award Hon. Justice O.P Saxena, Supreme Court, New Delhi and the Former Chairman of Minority Council, New Delhi, India. He is the recipient of two Lifetime Achievement Awards. He is the recipient of Dr.A.P.J.Abdul KalamSadhbhavana Award form Hon. Balmiki Prasad Singh, Former Governor of Sikkim, Jewel of India Award from Mr.Gurpreet Singh, General Secretary, India, Star of Asia Award from Mr.KornDebbaransi, Former Dy. Prime Minister, Thailand, in an International Summit at (Bangkok) Thailand & Pride of Asia Research Excellence Award from Hon. Anant. V.Sheth, Deputy Speaker- Goa Legislative Assembly, Best Director Award. He received the "Active Member CSI National Award". He was awarded the Prestigious Mahatma Gandhi Leadership Award by NRI WELFARE SOCIETY OF INDIA at House of Commons, British Parliament, London, UK. The book he authored on “Machine Learning and Deep Learning Algorithms using MATLAB and PYTHON” won “Best MATLAB Book For Beginners” Award by Book Authority. Dr.S.Balamurugan won the CSI Young IT Professional Award. He is also the recipient of National Award from Computer Society of India under the category of Youth Active Member. He is also the recipient of the Best Researcher Award, Certificate of Exceptionalism, Young Scientist Award, Best Young Researcher Award and Outstanding Scientist Award. His biography is listed in "Marquis WHO'S WHO", New Jersey, USA. His professional activities include roles as Editor-in-Chief/Associate Editor/ Editorial Board Member for more than 500+ International Journals/Conferences of high repute and impact. He has been invited as Chief Guest/Resource Person/Keynote Plenary Speaker in many reputed Universities and Colleges at National and International Levels. His research interests include Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality, Internet of Things, Big Data Analytics, Cloud Computing, and Wearable Computing. He is a life member of ACM, ISTE and CSI.
Dr. BalaAnand Muthu
V.R.S. College of Engineering and Technology, India
balaanand@vrscet.in, balavdy@gmail.com
Dr. BalaAnand Muthu is working as Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science & Engineering at V.R.S. College of Engineering & Technology, Villupuram, India. His area of interest includes Big Data Analytics, Social Networks, Internet of Things in Healthcare and Environment related applications. Has published many research articles in SCI, SCIE, Scopus indexed peer review journals. Also, handled Guest lectures, Intensive Workshop, Hands on programming in Hadoop, Spark, Grid & Cloud Computing at various technical institutions around Tamilnadu. He is serving as reviewer in Computer Communication, IEEE Access, Multimedia Tools & Applications, International Journal of Parallel Programming, Enterprise Information System, Computer Networks, Measurement, Computer & Electrical Engineering, Wireless Personal Communication, Cluster Computing, Computational Intelligence, IET Transport Systems and so on. He has organized international conference at V.R.S. College of Engineering & Technology (ICVRSCET’19).
Dr. Sheng-Lung Peng
National Taipei university of business, Taiwan.
Dr. Sheng-Lung Peng is a Professor at National Taipei university of business, Taiwan. He received PhD degree in Computer Science from the National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan. He is an honorary Professor of Beijing Information Science and Technology University of China, a supervisor of the Chinese Information Literacy Association and of the Association of Algorithms and Computation Theory. His research interests are in designing and analyzing algorithms for bioinformatics, combinatorics, data mining, and networks. He has published more than 100 international conference and journal papers.
Dr. Mohd Helmy Abd Wahab
UniversitiTun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Malaysia
Dr. Mohd Helmy Abd Wahab is a Senior Lecturer and Former Head of Intelligent System Lab at the Department of Computer Engineering, Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, UniversitiTun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM). He has actively involved in many academic activities such as being invited speaker at ICRITO 2015 (India), IPIARTI 2015 (UTP), IPIARTI2014 (UNIMAP) and IPIARTI 2012 (UiTM). He hold several research grants, won several medals in research and innovation showcases and awarded several publication award and teaching awards. He has authored and co-authored 2 books in database system (2013) and this book received consolation prize by Society of Science and Mathematics Malaysia (PESAMA) in 2014 and WAP application (2009), published several both local and international book chapters (11), technical papers in conferences and peer-reviewed journals (>100) papers. He also involve in publishing articles in periodicals such as newspaper (Utusan Malaysia) and national magazine (DewanKosmik). He also served as guest editor for Special Issue in Wireless and Mobile Networks in International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (2011) and as Deputy Editor in Chief for Int. Journal of Software Engineering and Computing since 2009 and scholarly contributed as committee for conferences, editorial team and manuscript reviewers and also invited to be session chair in conferences. Latest, he also invited to be Advisory Committee for ICACM 2016 at Pune, India, and Track Chair for IEOM 2016 in Kuala Lumpur. His research interests are in data mining, artificial intelligence and computer vision, mobile and wireless computing, web-based applications. He is currently an active member of IEEE, IEEE Computer Society, IAEng, IACSIT and PECAMP (Society of Info. Retrieval and Knowledge Management Malaysia) and as Associate Member for Embedded Computing Research Group (UTHM), BigData Center (UTM), MySigBigData (UM), E-Community Research Center (UKM).