The question of students’ autonomy in academic learning when using ICT: Case study in analysing help interactions involving two 9th graders with a visual impairment

The question of students’ autonomy in academic learning when using ICT: Case study in analysing help interactions involving two 9th graders with a visual impairment

Gaborit M.Archambault D. Puustinen M. Lewi-Dumont N. 

EA 7287 Grhapes, INS HEA, UPL Suresnes, France

Université Paris Nanterre Nanterre, France

EA 4004 CHArt/THIM, University of Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis, Saint-Denis, France

Corresponding Author Email:
26 September 2018
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31 October 2018
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Research on help-seeking and tutoring has mostly been experimental. Still, identified categories can be found in natural learning situations. The use of Information and communication technologies (ICT) by students with a visual impairment (VI) modifies learning conditions and brings students’ autonomy into play. This article aims to present a pilot study involving several research domains: academic help; ICT; visual impairment. New categories associated to help strategies, ICT and visual impairment have been identified using a new methodological approach.


help-seeking, tutoring, visual impairment, ICT, autonomy, academic learning

1. Introduction
2. Limitations in the Use of ICT For Students With A VI
3. Help in Classroom
4. Method
5. Results
6. Conclusion

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